G-1 gain [(1) to get possession of; (2) to get more; (3)to increase] For a long time, United States voters did not know which candidate gained the presidency. (1) He gained more support by speaking on television. (2) His savings gained 150 dollars in interest. (3) game [an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports] Our school won the baseball game. gas [(1) any substance that is not solid or liquid; (2) any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power] Seventy-eight percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen gas. (1) Natural gas is used to heat many homes in the United States. (2) gather [(1) to bring or come together into a group or place; (2) to collect] They gather at the church every Sunday. (1) Please help her gather flowers from the garden. (2) general [(1) a high military leader; (2) without details; (3) affecting or including all or almost all] The general ordered his forces to attack. (1) The senator made a general statement on the proposal, and promised details later. (2) He hopes to change general opinion on the issue. (3) gentle [(1) soft; (2) kind; (3) not rough or violent] She has a gentle voice. (1) He is gentle with children. (2) I gave him a gentle push toward her. (3) get [(1) to receive; (2) to gain; (3) to go and bring back; (4) to become; (5) to become the owner of] Did you get the letter I sent to you? (1) She got a new friend. (2) Please get an apple for me at the food store. (3) He got sick last night after the party. (4) She got a new car today. (5) gift [something given without cost] He gave her a gift from Japan. girl [a young female person] Have you met the new girl in our class? give [to present to another to keep without receiving payment] Her husband gave her a diamond ring for her birthday. glass [a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids] The glass broke when it hit the floor. go [(1) to move from one place to another; (2) to leave] We will go home from here. (1) He said he must go at 10 o'clock. (2) goal [(1) that toward which an effort is directed; (2) that which is aimed at; (3) the end of a trip or race] Our goal is to finish this report today. (1) We have several goals for the year. (2) We reached our goal after two days of hard walking. (3) god [(1) the spirit that is honored as creator of all things; (2) a spirit or being believed in many religions to have special powers] They believe in God. (1) The ancient Greeks believed in many gods. (2) gold [a highly valued yellow metal] He became rich after finding gold. good [(1) pleasing; (2) helpful; (3) kind; (4) correct; (5) not bad] The tea tastes good. (1) Your good plans helped us complete the project early. (2) He was a good person who had many friends. (3) She gave good answers to every question on the examination. (4) This meat looks good, but it smells bad. (5) goods [things owned or made to be sold] This store sells sporting goods. govern [(1) to control; (2) to rule by military or political power] Special rules govern the election. (1) The troubled country is governed by a group of military officers. (2) government [(1) a system of governing; (2) the organization of people that rules a country, city or area] America has a democratic government. (1) The Labor government has survived a political attack by the opposition party. (2) grain [(1) the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn; (2) those plants that produce the seeds] I like bread made from several different grains. (1) The farmer raises two grains, wheat and corn. (2) --------------------- --------------------- G-1 gain [(1) to get possession of; (2) to get more; (3)to increase] For a long time, United States voters did not know which candidate gained the presidency. (1) 合衆国の有権者たちはどちらの候補が大統領職を勝ち取ったのか長い間分からなかった。 He gained more support by speaking on television. (2) 彼はテレビで話すことでより多くの支援を得た。 His savings gained 150 dollars in interest. (3) 彼の貯蓄は利息で150ドル増えた。 game [an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports] Our school won the baseball game. 私たちの学校は野球の試合で勝った。 gas [(1) any substance that is not solid or liquid; (2) any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power] Seventy-eight percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen gas. (1) 大気の78パーセントは窒素ガスです。 Natural gas is used to heat many homes in the United States. (2) 天然ガスは合衆国の多くの家庭暖房に使われています。 gather [(1) to bring or come together into a group or place; (2) to collect] They gather at the church every Sunday. (1) 彼らは毎週日曜日に教会に集まる。 Please help her gather flowers from the garden. (2) 彼女が庭から花を集めるのを手伝ってください。 general [(1) a high military leader; (2) without details; (3) affecting or including all or almost all] The general ordered his forces to attack. (1) 将軍は自分の軍隊に攻撃命令を出した。 The senator made a general statement on the proposal, and promised details later. (2) その議員は提案についての概括的な陳述をし、詳細は後日することを約束した。 He hopes to change general opinion on the issue. (3) 彼は論争についての一般的な意見を変えたいと思っている。 gentle [(1) soft; (2) kind; (3) not rough or violent] She has a gentle voice. (1) 彼女は優しい声をしている。 He is gentle with children. (2) 彼は子供たちに優しい。 I gave him a gentle push toward her. (3) 私は彼を彼女の方へ向けてそっと押した。 get [(1) to receive; (2) to gain; (3) to go and bring back; (4) to become; (5) to become the owner of] Did you get the letter I sent to you? (1) 私があなたにお送りした手紙を受け取りましたか? She got a new friend. (2) 彼女は新しい友達ができた。 Please get an apple for me at the food store. (3) 食品店で私にりんごを1つ買ってきてください。 He got sick last night after the party. (4) 昨夜パーティーの後で彼は気分が悪くなった。 She got a new car today. (5) 彼女は今日、新しい車を手に入れた。 gift [something given without cost] He gave her a gift from Japan. 彼は彼女に日本からの土産をあげた。 girl [a young female person] Have you met the new girl in our class? 我々のクラスに新しく入った女の子に会いましたか? give [to present to another to keep without receiving payment] Her husband gave her a diamond ring for her birthday. 彼女の夫は彼女の誕生日にダイヤの指輪をプレゼントした。 glass [a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids] The glass broke when it hit the floor. ガラスは床に当たって割れた。 go [(1) to move from one place to another; (2) to leave] We will go home from here. (1) 私たちはここから家に帰ります。 He said he must go at 10 o'clock. (2) 彼は10時に行かなければならないと言った。 goal [(1) that toward which an effort is directed; (2) that which is aimed at; (3) the end of a trip or race] Our goal is to finish this report today. (1) 私たちの目標は今日このレポートを終わらせることです。 We have several goals for the year. (2) 私たちは年間の目標をいくつか持っています。 We reached our goal after two days of hard walking. (3) 私たちは2日間懸命に歩いて目的地に到達した。 god [(1) the spirit that is honored as creator of all things; (2) a spirit or being believed in many religions to have special powers] They believe in God. (1) 彼らは創造主の存在を信じています。 The ancient Greeks believed in many gods. (2) 古代ギリシャ人は多くの神々の存在を信じていた。 gold [a highly valued yellow metal] He became rich after finding gold. 彼は金を見つけて金持ちになった。 good [(1) pleasing; (2) helpful; (3) kind; (4) correct; (5) not bad] The tea tastes good. (1) このお茶はおいしい。 Your good plans helped us complete the project early. (2) あなたの良案は、私たちがプロジェクトを早く完成するのに役立ちました。 He was a good person who had many friends. (3) 彼は多くの友人を持ったよい人だった。 She gave good answers to every question on the examination. (4) 彼女は試験のあらゆる設問に適正な解答をした。 This meat looks good, but it smells bad. (5) この肉は見た目はいいが、変な匂いがする。 goods [things owned or made to be sold] This store sells sporting goods. この店はスポーツ用品を売っています。 govern [(1) to control; (2) to rule by military or political power] Special rules govern the election. (1) 特別な規則がその選挙を管理します。 The troubled country is governed by a group of military officers. (2) 騒乱の国は軍の将校たちのグループによって支配されている。 government [(1) a system of governing; (2) the organization of people that rules a country, city or area] America has a democratic government. (1) アメリカは民主主義政治です。 The Labor government has survived a political attack by the opposition party. (2) 労働党の政府は対立政党による政治的攻撃に持ちこたえた。 grain [(1) the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn; (2) those plants that produce the seeds] I like bread made from several different grains. (1) 私はいくつかの異なる穀粒から出来たパンが好きです。 The farmer raises two grains, wheat and corn. (2) 農夫は小麦とトウモロコシ、2つの穀物を育てている。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com