F-4 form [(1) to make; (2) to start; (3) to shape; (4) a kind] We formed a plan before starting the project. (1) They formed a swim team. (2) She formed the clay bottle with her hands. (3) Swimming is a form of exercise. (4) former [(1) earlier in time; (2) not now] At a former time, Philadelphia was the national capital. (1) His former wife lives across the street from him. (2) forward [(1) the direction in front of; (2) toward the front] The group with the flags was 10 meters forward of the rest of the parade. (1) The men stepped forward when the sergeant commanded, "Forward, march." (2) free [(1) to release; (2) not controlled by another or by outside forces; (3) not in prison; (4) independent; (5) not limited by rules; (6) without cost] He was freed at the end of the trial. (1) For the first time, she felt free as a bird. (2) He was a free man after being found not guilty. (3) The United States is a free nation. (4) After his final day of studies, he was free from all the rules of school. (5) The prize she won was a free ride in an airplane. (6) freedom [the condition of being free] Many people in history have died for freedom. freeze [(1) to cause or to become very cold; (2) to make or to become hard by cold] You will freeze unless you wear a coat. (1) She freezes food and stores it in her freezer. (2) fresh [(1) newly made or gathered; (2) recent] His garden produces fresh vegetables every day. (1) The lawyer criticized the fresh evidence found by police. (2) friend [a person one likes and trusts] The two men have been friends for more than fifty years. frighten [to cause great fear] Loud noises frighten my daughter. from [(1) having a person, place or thing as a beginning or cause; (2) at a place distant, not near; (3) because of] It is a message from the president. (1) The school is five kilometers from my home. (2) He is suffering from cancer. (3) front [(1) the forward part; (2) the opposite of back; (3) the beginning; (4) the first part] The front of her house needs painting. (1) She wanted to sit in the front of the bus, not in the back. (2) They were at the front of the line waiting to buy tickets. (3)   He said the best part was toward the front of the book. (4) fruit [food from trees and plants] Much of the fruit fell from the tree. fuel [any substance burned to create heat or power] Which kind of fuel do you use to heat your home? full [(1) containing as much as a person or thing can hold; (2) complete] The gasoline tank is full. (1) He will spend the full week away from the office. (2) fun [anything that is pleasing and causes happiness] The children had fun at the birthday party. funeral [a ceremony held in connection with the burial or burning of the dead] After the funeral, the President's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery. future [(1) time after now; (2) in the time to come] We can talk about it in the future. (1) All future meetings will be held in this room. (2) --------------------- --------------------- F-4 form [(1) to make; (2) to start; (3) to shape; (4) a kind] We formed a plan before starting the project. (1) 我々はプロジェクトをスタートする前に計画を立てた。 They formed a swim team. (2) 彼らは水泳チームを結成した。 She formed the clay bottle with her hands. (3) 彼女は手で粘土の瓶をかたち作った。 Swimming is a form of exercise. (4) 水泳は運動方法のひとつです。 former [(1) earlier in time; (2) not now] At a former time, Philadelphia was the national capital. (1) 過去の一時、フィラデルフィアは首都だった。 His former wife lives across the street from him. (2) 彼の前妻は彼と道を隔てたところに住んでいます。 forward [(1) the direction in front of; (2) toward the front] The group with the flags was 10 meters forward of the rest of the parade. (1) 旗を持ったグループはパレードのほかの人たちより10メートル前方にいた。 The men stepped forward when the sergeant commanded, "Forward, march." (2) 男たちは軍曹が「前へ、進め」と命令した時に進み出た。 free [(1) to release; (2) not controlled by another or by outside forces; (3) not in prison; (4) independent; (5) not limited by rules; (6) without cost] He was freed at the end of the trial. (1) 彼は公判の終わりに釈放された。 For the first time, she felt free as a bird. (2) 彼女は初めて鳥のような自由を感じた。 He was a free man after being found not guilty. (3) 彼は無罪が明らかにされた後、自由の身になった。 The United States is a free nation. (4) 合衆国は自由主義の国です。 After his final day of studies, he was free from all the rules of school. (5) 学業の最終日の後、彼は学校のすべての規則の束縛から解放された。 The prize she won was a free ride in an airplane. (6) 彼女が勝ち取った賞品は飛行機の無料搭乗だった。 freedom [the condition of being free] Many people in history have died for freedom. 歴史上の多くの人々は自由のために死んだ。 freeze [(1) to cause or to become very cold; (2) to make or to become hard by cold] You will freeze unless you wear a coat. (1) コートを着ないと凍えてしまいますよ。 She freezes food and stores it in her freezer. (2) 彼女は食べものを凍らせ、自分の冷凍庫に貯蔵します。 fresh [(1) newly made or gathered; (2) recent] His garden produces fresh vegetables every day. (1) 彼の菜園からは毎日新鮮な野菜が取れる。 The lawyer criticized the fresh evidence found by police. (2) 弁護士は警察が見つけた新たな証拠にけちをつけた。 friend [a person one likes and trusts] The two men have been friends for more than fifty years. その2人の男性は50年以上の間、親しくしています。 frighten [to cause great fear] Loud noises frighten my daughter. 大きな音は私の娘を怖がらせる。 from [(1) having a person, place or thing as a beginning or cause; (2) at a place distant, not near; (3) because of] It is a message from the president. (1) これは社長からの伝言です。 The school is five kilometers from my home. (2) 学校は私の家から5キロの所にあります。 He is suffering from cancer. (3) 彼は癌を患っています。 front [(1) the forward part; (2) the opposite of back; (3) the beginning; (4) the first part] The front of her house needs painting. (1) 彼女の家の前面は塗装が必要です。 She wanted to sit in the front of the bus, not in the back. (2) 彼女はバスの後部席でなく前部席に座りたがった。 They were at the front of the line waiting to buy tickets. (3) 彼らはチケットを買うために並んでいる列の先頭にいました。   He said the best part was toward the front of the book. (4) 彼はその本の最初のあたりが一番良いところだと言った。 fruit [food from trees and plants] Much of the fruit fell from the tree. 多くの果物が木から落ちた。 fuel [any substance burned to create heat or power] Which kind of fuel do you use to heat your home? あなたは家を暖めるためにどんな燃料を使いますか? full [(1) containing as much as a person or thing can hold; (2) complete] The gasoline tank is full. (1) ガソリンのタンクは一杯です。 He will spend the full week away from the office. (2) 彼はその週ずっと事務所を留守にします。 fun [anything that is pleasing and causes happiness] The children had fun at the birthday party. 子供たちは誕生パーティで楽しんだ。 funeral [a ceremony held in connection with the burial or burning of the dead] After the funeral, the President's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 葬儀の後、大統領の遺体はアーリントン国立墓地に埋葬された。 future [(1) time after now; (2) in the time to come] We can talk about it in the future. (1) そのことについては、いずれ話し合いましょう。 All future meetings will be held in this room. (2) 今後すべての打ち合わせはこの部屋で行われる。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com