F-3 flat [(1) smooth; (2) having no high places] He paints pictures on flat pieces of wood. (1) The land is flat in most parts of the state of Kansas. (2) flee [to run away from] He tried to flee but the police caught him. float [(1) to be on water without sinking; (2) to move or be moved gently on water or through air] The boat floated on top of the water. (1) The balloon rose into the air and floated away. (2) flood [(1) to cover with water; (2) the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land] The rising waters flooded much of the town. (1) The flood began to go down when the rain stopped. (2) floor [(1) the bottom part of a room for walking on; (2) the level of a building] The book fell to the floor. (1) The fire was on the first floor. (2) flow [to move like a liquid] The oil flowed through the engine. flower [the colored part of plants that carry seeds] The field was covered by blue and red flowers. fluid [any substance that can flow, such as a liquid] The fluid on the floor was a harmless chemical. fly [(1) to move through the air with wings, like a bird or airplane; (2) to travel in an airplane or flying vehicle] Birds fly high in the sky. (1) Walter will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. (2) fog [a mass of wet air that is difficult to see through] The fog slowed traffic for several hours. follow [(1) to come or go after; (2) to accept the rule or power of; (3) to obey] He asked us to follow him to his house. (1) He follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. (2) The official said he followed the orders of the President's lawyer. (3) food [that which is taken in by all living things for energy, strength and growth] He wanted to get food for hungry people. fool [(1) to make someone believe something that is not true; (2) to trick; (3) a person who is tricked easily] Her lies fooled a lot of people. (1) He fooled people to get what he wanted. (2) Being tricked made him feel like a fool. (3) foot [the part of the body that touches the ground when a person or animal walks] Her foot hurts because she stepped on a sharp rock. for [(1) because of; (2) in exchange; (3) through space or time; (4) representative of; (5) to be employed by] He is famous for his work. (1) Give me one dollar for the book. (2) They traveled for one hour. (3) I speak for all people. (4) She works for a computer company. (5) force [(1) to make someone do something or make something happen by using power; (2) power, strength; (3) strength used against a person or object; (4) military power of a nation; (5) a military group] They forced him to go with them. (1) The bomb exploded with great force. (2) He used powerful force to lift the fallen tree from her body. (3) The President said he will use the full force of the country against foreign invaders. (4) A Navy and Marine Corps landing force is on its way to the troubled island. (5) foreign [(1) of, about or from another nation; (2) not from one's own place or country] The United States has diplomatic relations with almost every foreign nation. (1) Foreign products seem to cost less than most products made here. (2) forest [a place of many trees] New laws prevent companies from cutting all the trees in the forest. forget [to not remember] The man was in trouble because he forgot his wedding anniversary. forgive [(1) to pardon; (2) to excuse; (3) to remove guilt] A pardon by the President forgives a criminal for the crime. (1) I forgive you for taking my car. (2) Please forgive me for being late. (3) --------------------- --------------------- F-3 flat [(1) smooth; (2) having no high places] He paints pictures on flat pieces of wood. (1) 彼は平らな木片の上に絵を描きます。 The land is flat in most parts of the state of Kansas. (2) カンザス州のほとんどの地域では土地は平坦です。 flee [to run away from] He tried to flee but the police caught him. 彼は逃げようとしたが、警察は彼を捕まえた。 float [(1) to be on water without sinking; (2) to move or be moved gently on water or through air] The boat floated on top of the water. (1) ボートは水面に浮いていた。 The balloon rose into the air and floated away. (2) 風船は空中に上がり、そしてふわふわ飛んで行った。 flood [(1) to cover with water; (2) the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land] The rising waters flooded much of the town. (1) 上昇した水位は町の大部分を水浸しにした。 The flood began to go down when the rain stopped. (2) 洪水は雨がやんだ時、引き始めた。 floor [(1) the bottom part of a room for walking on; (2) the level of a building] The book fell to the floor. (1) 本は床に落ちた。 The fire was on the first floor. (2) 火災は1階で起こった。 flow [to move like a liquid] The oil flowed through the engine. オイルはエンジンの中を流れた。 flower [the colored part of plants that carry seeds] The field was covered by blue and red flowers. 草原は青と赤の花で覆われた。 fluid [any substance that can flow, such as a liquid] The fluid on the floor was a harmless chemical. 床の上の液体は無害の化学薬品でした。 fly [(1) to move through the air with wings, like a bird or airplane; (2) to travel in an airplane or flying vehicle] Birds fly high in the sky. (1) 鳥たちは空高く飛びます。 Walter will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. (2) ウォルターは明朝、飛行機でロサンジェルスに行きます。 fog [a mass of wet air that is difficult to see through] The fog slowed traffic for several hours. 霧は数時間交通を遅らせた。 follow [(1) to come or go after; (2) to accept the rule or power of; (3) to obey] He asked us to follow him to his house. (1) 彼は私たちに彼の家までついてくるよう求めた。 He follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. (2) 彼はローマカソリック教会の教えを守る。 The official said he followed the orders of the President's lawyer. (3) 役人は大統領の法律顧問の命令に従うと言った。 food [that which is taken in by all living things for energy, strength and growth] He wanted to get food for hungry people. 彼は飢えた人々のために食料を手に入れたかった。 fool [(1) to make someone believe something that is not true; (2) to trick; (3) a person who is tricked easily] Her lies fooled a lot of people. (1) 彼女のうそは多くの人々をだました。 He fooled people to get what he wanted. (2) 彼は自分のほしいものを手に入れるために人々をだました。 Being tricked made him feel like a fool. (3) かつがれることで、彼は自分がまぬけのように感じた。 foot [the part of the body that touches the ground when a person or animal walks] Her foot hurts because she stepped on a sharp rock. 彼女は尖った岩を踏んだので足が痛む。 for [(1) because of; (2) in exchange; (3) through space or time; (4) representative of; (5) to be employed by] He is famous for his work. (1) 彼は彼の(成した)仕事で著名です。 Give me one dollar for the book. (2) 本の対価として1ドルください。 They traveled for one hour. (3) 彼らは1時間移動した。 I speak for all people. (4) 私は皆を代表して話します。 She works for a computer company. (5) 彼女はコンピューター会社に勤めています。 force [(1) to make someone do something or make something happen by using power; (2) power, strength; (3) strength used against a person or object; (4) military power of a nation; (5) a military group] They forced him to go with them. (1) 彼らは彼を無理やり一緒に連れて行った。 The bomb exploded with great force. (2) 爆弾は大きな力で爆発した。 He used powerful force to lift the fallen tree from her body. (3) 彼は倒木を彼女の体から持ち上げるために強靭な力を使った。 The President said he will use the full force of the country against foreign invaders. (4) 大統領は外国の侵略者たちに対しては、国の全軍事力を行使すると言った(この時点ではまだ行使していない)。 A Navy and Marine Corps landing force is on its way to the troubled island. (5) 海軍と海兵隊の上陸部隊は騒乱の島へ向かう途中です。 foreign [(1) of, about or from another nation; (2) not from one's own place or country] The United States has diplomatic relations with almost every foreign nation. (1) 合衆国はほとんどの外国と外交関係を持っている。 Foreign products seem to cost less than most products made here. (2) 外国製品は当地で作られるほとんどの製品より安価であると思われます。 forest [a place of many trees] New laws prevent companies from cutting all the trees in the forest. 新しい法律は企業がその森のすべての木々を切ることを防ぎます。 forget [to not remember] The man was in trouble because he forgot his wedding anniversary. 男は結婚記念日を忘れたので窮地に陥った。 forgive [(1) to pardon; (2) to excuse; (3) to remove guilt] A pardon by the President forgives a criminal for the crime. (1) 大統領による赦免は犯罪者の罪を許します。 I forgive you for taking my car. (2) あなたが私の車に乗っていってしまったことを許します。 Please forgive me for being late. (3) 遅れたことをお許しください。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com