F-2 fertile [(1) rich in production of plants or animals; (2) producing much] The farmer's fertile soil produces huge crops. (1) The writer has a fertile imagination. (2) few [(1) not many; (2) a small number of] Few people have ever seen such an unusual bird. (1) I have a few ideas about how to solve the problem. (2) field [an area of open land, usually used to grow crops or to raise animals] The farmer kept cows in two of his fields. fierce [(1) extremely strong; (2) violent; (3) angry] The fierce storm caused much damage. (1) The soldiers fought fiercely. (2) The angry demonstrators shouted fiercely. (3) fight [(1) to use violence or force; (2) to attempt to defeat or destroy an enemy;(3) the use of force; (4) a battle] The two boys were fighting about who would be first. (1) The two armies fought fiercely to destroy each other. (2) The fighting failed to push rebel forces from the city. (3) The two sides exchanged charges in the continuing political fight. (4) fill [to put or pour something into a container until there is space for no more] Jack filled his cup with hot coffee. film [(1) to record something so it can be seen again; (2) to make a motion picture or movie; (3) a thin piece of material for making pictures with a camera; (4) a movie] He filmed the complete ceremony. (1) She filmed the movie in New York. (2) My camera needs more film. (3) My favorite film is "Saving Private Ryan." (4) final [(1) at the end; (2) last] Tomorrow is the final day of winter. (1) We won our final baseball game of the season.(2) financial [of or about the system that includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks] The growing political crisis could weaken our financial system. find [(1) to discover or learn something by searching or by accident; (2) to decide a court case] He found a new book by his favorite writer. (1) The jury found the man guilty of murder. (2) fine [(1) a payment ordered by a court to punish someone for a crime; (2) very good; (3) very small or thin] The court ordered him to pay a 500-dollar fine. (1) She did fine work for our company. (2) He drew a fine line under the word. (3) finish [(1) to complete; (2) to end] He finished reading the book. (1) She finished her cup of tea. (2) fire [(1) to shoot a gun; (2) the heat and light produced by something burning] He fired a warning shot and shouted, "Police." (1) The fire warmed our hands. (2) fireworks [rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations] We watched the fireworks for thirty minutes. firm [not easily moved or changed] She is firm in her opinion. first [coming before all others] Tom was the first person I saw. fish [a creature that lives and can breathe in water] How many fish did you catch? fit [to be of the correct size or shape] These shoes fit my feet. fix [to make good or right again] He was able to fix his car without help. flag [a piece of colored cloth used to represent a nation, government or organization] The United States flag has fifty stars. --------------------- --------------------- F-2 fertile [(1) rich in production of plants or animals; (2) producing much] The farmer's fertile soil produces huge crops. (1) 農夫の肥沃な土は大量の作物を産出します。 The writer has a fertile imagination. (2) 作家は豊かな想像力を持っています。 few [(1) not many; (2) a small number of] Few people have ever seen such an unusual bird. (1) そのようなめずらしい鳥を見た人たちはあまりいません。 I have a few ideas about how to solve the problem. (2) 私は問題をどのように解決するかについて、いくつかの考えを持っている。 field [an area of open land, usually used to grow crops or to raise animals] The farmer kept cows in two of his fields. 農夫は自分の牧草地のうち2つに、牛を飼っていた。 fierce [(1) extremely strong; (2) violent; (3) angry] The fierce storm caused much damage. (1) 激しい嵐は多大な損害を生じた。 The soldiers fought fiercely. (2) 兵士たちは激しく戦った。(〜ly adverb) The angry demonstrators shouted fiercely. (3) 怒ったデモ隊は猛烈に声を上げた。(〜ly adverb) fight [(1) to use violence or force; (2) to attempt to defeat or destroy an enemy;(3) the use of force; (4) a battle] The two boys were fighting about who would be first. (1) 2人の男の子は先を争ってけんかしていた。 The two armies fought fiercely to destroy each other. (2) 2つの軍隊は互いに相手を滅ぼそうと激しく戦った。 The fighting failed to push rebel forces from the city. (3) 闘いは反乱軍を町から追い出すのに失敗した。 The two sides exchanged charges in the continuing political fight. (4) 両者は相変わらずの政治的な争いにおいて、非難し合った。 fill [to put or pour something into a container until there is space for no more] Jack filled his cup with hot coffee. ジャックはカップを温かいコーヒーで満たした。 film [(1) to record something so it can be seen again; (2) to make a motion picture or movie; (3) a thin piece of material for making pictures with a camera; (4) a movie] He filmed the complete ceremony. (1) 彼は式典の一部始終を撮影した。 She filmed the movie in New York. (2) 彼女はニューヨークで映画を撮影した。 My camera needs more film. (3) 私のカメラはもっとフィルムが必要です。 My favorite film is "Saving Private Ryan." (4) 私の好きな映画は"Saving Private Ryan"です。 final [(1) at the end; (2) last] Tomorrow is the final day of winter. (1) 明日は冬の最終日です。 We won our final baseball game of the season.(2) 我々はシーズン最後の野球試合で勝った。 financial [of or about the system that includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks] The growing political crisis could weaken our financial system. 高まりつつある政治危機は、我々の財政システムを弱めるかもしれない。 find [(1) to discover or learn something by searching or by accident; (2) to decide a court case] He found a new book by his favorite writer. (1) 彼は好きな作家の新刊を見つけた。 The jury found the man guilty of murder. (2) 陪審員は男が殺人罪を犯したと判決を下した。 fine [(1) a payment ordered by a court to punish someone for a crime; (2) very good; (3) very small or thin] The court ordered him to pay a 500-dollar fine. (1) 裁判所は彼に500ドルの罰金を支払うことを命じた。 She did fine work for our company. (2) 彼女は我々の会社のためにすばらしい仕事をした。 He drew a fine line under the word. (3) 彼はその言葉の下に細い線を引いた。 finish [(1) to complete; (2) to end] He finished reading the book. (1) 彼は本を読み終えた。 She finished her cup of tea. (2) 彼女はカップのお茶を飲み終えた。 fire [(1) to shoot a gun; (2) the heat and light produced by something burning] He fired a warning shot and shouted, "Police." (1) 彼は警告発砲をし、そして「警察だ」と叫んだ。 The fire warmed our hands. (2) 火は我々の手を温めた。 fireworks [rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations] We watched the fireworks for thirty minutes. 私たちは花火を30分間見物した。 firm [not easily moved or changed] She is firm in her opinion. 彼女は自分の意見に揺るぎがない。 first [coming before all others] Tom was the first person I saw. トムは私が最初に会った人でした。 fish [a creature that lives and can breathe in water] How many fish did you catch? 何ひきの魚を捕まえましたか? fit [to be of the correct size or shape] These shoes fit my feet. この靴は私の足に合う。 fix [to make good or right again] He was able to fix his car without help. 彼は助けなしに自分の車を直すことができた。 flag [a piece of colored cloth used to represent a nation, government or organization] The United States flag has fifty stars. 合衆国国旗には50の星があります。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com