F-1 face [(1) the front of the head: eyes, nose, month; (2) to look toward; (3) to turn toward; (4) to have before you, such as a problem or danger] Put a smile on your face. (1) He faced the flag. (2) She faced left, then right. (3) The nation faced great danger. (4) fact [something known or proved to be true] The facts show that he spoke the truth. factory [a building or group of buildings where goods are made] The shoe factory in our town is moving to Mexico. fail [(1) to not succeed; (2) to not reach a goal] My car failed to start. (1) The leaders failed to reach a peace agreement. (2) fair [(1) just; (2) honest; (3) what is right] The judge made a fair decision. (1) He played the game fairly. (2) It was only fair that she invite him to dinner. (3) fall [(1) to go down quickly; (2) to come down; (3) to drop to the ground or a lower position] The burning airplane fell from the sky. (1) The ball fell gently into my hands. (2) The snow melted as it fell. (3) false [(1)not true; (2) not correct] She made a false statement to the police. (1) The computer gave a false answer. (2) family [the group that includes children and their parents] She has a large family. famous [known very well to many people] He is a famous actor. far [at, to or from a great distance] John's home is far from here. farm [land used to grow crops and animals for food] His family owns a big farm in Kansas. fast [(1) moving or working at great speed; (2) quick] He said he could run as fast as a race horse. (1) My dog is a fast eater. (2) fat [(1) tissue in the bodies of humans and animals used to store energy and to keep warm; (2) thick; (3) heavy] She stays thin by not eating any fat. (1) Her dog looks fat, but all pugs look like that. (2) The professor has published a fat book on world history. (3) father [(1) the male parent; (2) a man who has a child or children] Her father lives with them. (1) Are you a father? (2) fear [(1) to be afraid; (2) to worry that something bad is near or may happen; (3) a strong emotion when there is danger or trouble] He feared what he could not see. (1) He feared falling down. (2)   He had a fear that he would fall down. (3) federal [of or having to do with a national or central government] She works for the federal government as a tax collector. feed [to give food to] How many times a day do you feed your dog? feel [(1) to have or experience an emotion; (2) to know by touching] I feel sad because he is so far away. (1) I feel sand between my toes. (2) female [(1) a woman or girl; (2) the sex that gives birth; (3) of or about women] With a wife and three daughters, he was surrounded by females. (1) Females have babies. (2) Universities provide more support now for female sports programs. (3) fence [something around an area of land to keep animals or people in or out] The farmer put up a new fence around the field. --------------------- --------------------- F-1 face [(1) the front of the head: eyes, nose, month; (2) to look toward; (3) to turn toward; (4) to have before you, such as a problem or danger] Put a smile on your face. (1) 微笑みなさい。 He faced the flag. (2) 彼は旗の方に顔を向けた。 She faced left, then right. (3) 彼女は左に向き、それから右に向いた。 The nation faced great danger. (4) その国は重大な危機に直面した。 fact [something known or proved to be true] The facts show that he spoke the truth. 彼が真実を話したことは事実が証明している。 factory [a building or group of buildings where goods are made] The shoe factory in our town is moving to Mexico. 我々の町の靴工場はメキシコへ移転することになっている。 fail [(1) to not succeed; (2) to not reach a goal] My car failed to start. (1) 私の車は始動できなかった。 The leaders failed to reach a peace agreement. (2) 指導者たちは平和協定に達することができなかった。 fair [(1) just; (2) honest; (3) what is right] The judge made a fair decision. (1) 審判員は公正な判定をした。 He played the game fairly. (2) 彼は正々堂々と試合をした。(〜ly adverb) It was only fair that she invite him to dinner. (3) 彼女が彼を晩餐に招待したのはまさに適切だった。 fall [(1) to go down quickly; (2) to come down; (3) to drop to the ground or a lower position] The burning airplane fell from the sky. (1) 炎上した飛行機が空から墜落した。 The ball fell gently into my hands. (2) ボールは緩やかに私の手の中に落ちた。 The snow melted as it fell. (3) 雪は舞い落ちる時に溶けた。 false [(1)not true; (2) not correct] She made a false statement to the police. (1) 彼女は警察に虚偽の陳述をした。 The computer gave a false answer. (2) コンピューターは誤った答を出した。 family [the group that includes children and their parents] She has a large family. 彼女の家族は大家族です。 famous [known very well to many people] He is a famous actor. 彼は有名な俳優です。 far [at, to or from a great distance] John's home is far from here. ジョンの家はここから遠い。 farm [land used to grow crops and animals for food] His family owns a big farm in Kansas. 彼の家族はカンザスに大きな農場を持っている。 fast [(1) moving or working at great speed; (2) quick] He said he could run as fast as a race horse. (1) 彼は競走馬と同じぐらい速く走れると言った。 My dog is a fast eater. (2) 私の犬は早食いです。 fat [(1) tissue in the bodies of humans and animals used to store energy and to keep warm; (2) thick; (3) heavy] She stays thin by not eating any fat. (1) 彼女は脂肪を摂らないことで、太らないようにしています。 Her dog looks fat, but all pugs look like that. (2) 彼女の犬は太って見えます。しかし、パグ犬は皆そう見えます。 The professor has published a fat book on world history. (3) 教授は世界史についての分厚い本を出版した。 father [(1) the male parent; (2) a man who has a child or children] Her father lives with them. (1) 彼女の父は彼らと暮らしています。 Are you a father? (2) あなたは父親ですか? fear [(1) to be afraid; (2) to worry that something bad is near or may happen; (3) a strong emotion when there is danger or trouble] He feared what he could not see. (1) 彼は見えないものを怖がった。 He feared falling down. (2) 彼は転ぶことを恐れた。   He had a fear that he would fall down. (3) 彼は転んでしまうことを恐れた。 federal [of or having to do with a national or central government] She works for the federal government as a tax collector. 彼女は徴税官として連邦政府で働いている。 feed [to give food to] How many times a day do you feed your dog? あなたは1日に何度、犬にえさをやりますか? feel [(1) to have or experience an emotion; (2) to know by touching] I feel sad because he is so far away. (1) 私は彼がとても遠くにいるので悲しい。 I feel sand between my toes. (2) 私は足指の間に砂があるのを感じる。 female [(1) a woman or girl; (2) the sex that gives birth; (3) of or about women] With a wife and three daughters, he was surrounded by females. (1) 妻と3人の娘といて、彼は女性たちに囲まれていた。 Females have babies. (2) 女性は子を産む。 Universities provide more support now for female sports programs. (3) 大学は現在、女性のスポーツプログラムに以前より多くの支援をしている。 fence [something around an area of land to keep animals or people in or out] The farmer put up a new fence around the field. 農夫は畑の周りに新しいフェンスを立てた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com