E-3 ethnic [of or concerning people belonging to a large group because of their race, religion, language, tribe or where their ancestors lived] Jay and Cindy enjoy eating ethnic food as often as possible. evaporate [to change from a liquid into a gas] Water evaporates more quickly during dry weather. even [in a way not thought possible] They survived, even though the building was destroyed. event [that which happens, especially something of importance] Swearing in a new President is a big event in Washington. ever [at any time] Did you ever meet Joseph's wife? every [(1) each one; (2) all] Every winner gets a different prize. (1) She has read every book in the library. (2) evidence [(1) material or facts that prove something; (2) a reason for believing] The evidence proves the suspect is guilty. (1) Children do not need evidence to believe in Santa Claus. (2) evil [(1) not good; (2) extremely bad] He had an evil plan. (1) Only a truly evil person would treat a child so badly. (2) exact [(1) having no mistakes; (2) correct in every detail] That is the exact number of students present. (1) His reports were exact in every way. (2) examine [to study closely] The judge examined the evidence carefully. example [a part that shows what the rest of a thing or group is like] Her success is an example of the results of a good education. excellent [extremely good] George is excellent at cooking French food. except [but for] Except for Joe, everyone wanted to help. exchange [(1) to trade; (2) to give or receive one thing for another] He exchanged his shares of stock for a cash payment. (1) The two sides exchanged ideas on a peace agreement. (2) excuse [(1) to take away blame; (2) to pardon; (3) to forgive; (4) a reason (sometimes false) for an action] He excused himself for lying to her. (1) A governor's pardon excuses the prisoner's criminal act. (2) Please excuse me for speaking your language so poorly. (3) Missus Warner refused to accept her husband's excuse for what he did. (4) execute [to kill] What is the state's argument for executing murderers? exercise [an activity or effort for the purpose of improving the body or to stay in good health] Doctors say a half hour of exercise several times a week can prevent heart attacks. exile [(1) to force a person to leave his or her country; (2) to expel; (3) a person who is forced to leave his or her country] The writer was exiled because his book criticized the government. (1) The new government exiled the former dictator. (2) After the fall of the communist government, exiles were able to return home. (3) exist [(1) to be; (2) to live] Many of the documents needed by the court no longer exist. (1) How long has life existed on Earth? (2) expand [(1) to make larger; (2) to grow larger] The mayor expanded the police force to stop an increase in crimes. (1) This economy is expanding at a rate of four percent a year. (2) --------------------- --------------------- E-3 ethnic [of or concerning people belonging to a large group because of their race, religion, language, tribe or where their ancestors lived] Jay and Cindy enjoy eating ethnic food as often as possible. ジェイとシンディはできるだけ頻繁に民族料理を食べることを楽しんでいる。 evaporate [to change from a liquid into a gas] Water evaporates more quickly during dry weather. 乾期には、水はより早く蒸発する。 even [in a way not thought possible] They survived, even though the building was destroyed. ビルは破壊されたにもかかわらず、彼らは生き残った。 event [that which happens, especially something of importance] Swearing in a new President is a big event in Washington. 新大統領の宣誓はワシントンの大きな行事です。 ever [at any time] Did you ever meet Joseph's wife? これまでにジョセフの奥さんに会ったことがありますか? every [(1) each one; (2) all] Every winner gets a different prize. (1) それぞれの勝者が違う賞をもらいます。 She has read every book in the library. (2) 彼女は図書館のすべての本を読んだ。 evidence [(1) material or facts that prove something; (2) a reason for believing] The evidence proves the suspect is guilty. (1) 証拠が容疑者が有罪であることを証明します。 Children do not need evidence to believe in Santa Claus. (2) 子供たちにはサンタクロースを信じるための根拠は必要ない。 evil [(1) not good; (2) extremely bad] He had an evil plan. (1) 彼は悪いもくろみを持っていた。 Only a truly evil person would treat a child so badly. (2) 本当に悪い人間だけにしか子供をそのようにひどく扱うことはできないはずです。 exact [(1) having no mistakes; (2) correct in every detail] That is the exact number of students present. (1) これが正確な出席している生徒数です。 His reports were exact in every way. (2) 彼の報告はすべての面において正確なものだった。 examine [to study closely] The judge examined the evidence carefully. 裁判官は注意深くその証拠を審査した。 example [a part that shows what the rest of a thing or group is like] Her success is an example of the results of a good education. 彼女の成功は良い教育の成果の1例です。 excellent [extremely good] George is excellent at cooking French food. ジョージはフランス料理がすばらしく上手です。 except [but for] Except for Joe, everyone wanted to help. ジョーを除いて皆が手伝いたがった。 exchange [(1) to trade; (2) to give or receive one thing for another] He exchanged his shares of stock for a cash payment. (1) 彼は自分の株券を現金に換えた。 The two sides exchanged ideas on a peace agreement. (2) 両者は平和協定に関する考えを交換し合った。 excuse [(1) to take away blame; (2) to pardon; (3) to forgive; (4) a reason (sometimes false) for an action] He excused himself for lying to her. (1) 彼は彼女にうそをついたことの言い訳をした。 A governor's pardon excuses the prisoner's criminal act. (2) 知事の恩赦は囚人の犯罪行為を赦免します。 Please excuse me for speaking your language so poorly. (3) あなたの言語をしゃべるのがこんなに下手なことをお許しください。 Missus Warner refused to accept her husband's excuse for what he did. (4) ワーナー氏の奥さんは夫がしたことに対する言い訳を認めるのを拒否した。 execute [to kill] What is the state's argument for executing murderers? 州が殺人者たちを死刑にすることに賛成する論拠は何ですか? exercise [an activity or effort for the purpose of improving the body or to stay in good health] Doctors say a half hour of exercise several times a week can prevent heart attacks. 医者たちは1週間に何回か30分運動することが心臓発作を防ぐと言っています。 exile [(1) to force a person to leave his or her country; (2) to expel; (3) a person who is forced to leave his or her country] The writer was exiled because his book criticized the government. (1) 作家は政府を著書の中で非難したため、国外追放された。 The new government exiled the former dictator. (2) 新政府は前独裁者を追放した。 After the fall of the communist government, exiles were able to return home. (3) 共産主義政府が倒れた後、亡命者たちは祖国に戻ることができた。 exist [(1) to be; (2) to live] Many of the documents needed by the court no longer exist. (1) 裁判所が必要とした書類の多くは今はもうない。 How long has life existed on Earth? (2) どのくらいの期間、地球上に生命は存在していますか? expand [(1) to make larger; (2) to grow larger] The mayor expanded the police force to stop an increase in crimes. (1) 市長は犯罪の増加を止めるため警官隊を拡充した。 This economy is expanding at a rate of four percent a year. (2) 今の経済は年に4パーセントの割合で伸びています。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com