E-2 emergency [an unexpected and dangerous situation demanding quick action] The President declared a wildfire emergency in New Mexico. emotion [a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or sadness] The dispute produced strong emotions on both sides. employ [to give work in return for wages] Jane is employed as a prison guard. empty [(1) having nothing inside; (2) to remove everything] The house was empty. (1) The old man emptied his glass and asked for more water. (2) end [(1) to stop; (2) to finish; (3) the part which comes last] The chairman ended the meeting. (1) The year ended peacefully. (2) We were happy to reach the end of the project. (3) enemy [(1) a person opposing or hating another; (2) a person or people of the other side in a war] The two men were fierce political enemies. (1) Enemy soldiers attacked allied forces on the island. (2) energy [(1) power used to do work, usually with machines; (2) the ability and willingness to be active] Electricity provides most of the energy in our city. (1) You can increase your energy by eating healthy food and exercising every day. (2) enforce [to make something be done] Police enforce the law. engine [a machine that uses energy to cause movement or to do work] He says his car's engine will not start. engineer [a person who designs engines, machines, roads, bridges or railroads] He worked as an engineer in the space program. enjoy [to be pleased or satisfied by something] Did you enjoy the movie? enough [(1) as much as necessary; (2) the amount needed] Does Richard have enough money to buy her a ring? (1) Richard said he had enough. (2) enter [to come or go into] They entered the store together. environment [(1) all surrounding things, conditions and influences that affect life; (2) the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals] The group support stronger laws to protect the environment from industrial pollution. (1) Tell us what we can do to prevent further damage to our natural environment. (2) equal [(1) the same in amount, size, weight or value; (2) having the same rights] Each of them provided an equal amount of money to start the new business. (1) The amendment guaranteed that men and women would have equal rights. (2) equipment [things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity] Jack has all the equipment we will need for our camping trip. escape [(1) to get free; (2) to get away from; (3) to get out of] The lion escaped from his cage. (1) Three prisoners escaped from their guards. (2) No one could escape from the high security prison. (3) especially [more than others] We liked the food, especially the fish. establish [(1) to bring into existence; (2) to create] Mister Jenkins established his business 23 years ago. (1) Scientists have established a new way to communicate with creatures anywhere in the universe. (2) estimate [to form an opinion about a value, size or amount using less than complete information] The media have failed in their attempts to estimate the winners of national elections. --------------------- --------------------- E-2 emergency [an unexpected and dangerous situation demanding quick action] The President declared a wildfire emergency in New Mexico. 大統領はニューメキシコの野火の非常事態を宣言した。 emotion [a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or sadness] The dispute produced strong emotions on both sides. 討論は両者に強い感情を生じさせた。 employ [to give work in return for wages] Jane is employed as a prison guard. ジェーンは刑務所の看守として雇われている。 empty [(1) having nothing inside; (2) to remove everything] The house was empty. (1) 家は空っぽだった。 The old man emptied his glass and asked for more water. (2) 老人はグラスの水を飲み干し、さらに水を欲した。 end [(1) to stop; (2) to finish; (3) the part which comes last] The chairman ended the meeting. (1) 会長はそのミーティングを止めさせた。 The year ended peacefully. (2) その年は平和に暮れました。 We were happy to reach the end of the project. (3) 私たちはプロジェクトが終盤に達してうれしかった。 enemy [(1) a person opposing or hating another; (2) a person or people of the other side in a war] The two men were fierce political enemies. (1) 2人は政治的に激しく対立していました。 Enemy soldiers attacked allied forces on the island. (2) 敵の兵士はその島の連合軍を攻撃した。 energy [(1) power used to do work, usually with machines; (2) the ability and willingness to be active] Electricity provides most of the energy in our city. (1) 電気はわが町のエネルギーのほとんどを供給しています。 You can increase your energy by eating healthy food and exercising every day. (2) あなたは健康的なものを食べたり、毎日運動することで活力を増進することができます。 enforce [to make something be done] Police enforce the law. 警察は法律を施行します。 engine [a machine that uses energy to cause movement or to do work] He says his car's engine will not start. 彼は彼の車のエンジンは動かないだろうと言っています。 engineer [a person who designs engines, machines, roads, bridges or railroads] He worked as an engineer in the space program. 彼は宇宙計画の技術者として働きました。 enjoy [to be pleased or satisfied by something] Did you enjoy the movie? その映画を楽しみましたか? enough [(1) as much as necessary; (2) the amount needed] Does Richard have enough money to buy her a ring? (1) リチャードは彼女に指輪を買うだけのお金を持っていますか? Richard said he had enough. (2) リチャードは十分に持っていると言いました。 enter [to come or go into] They entered the store together. 彼らは一緒にその店に入った。 environment [(1) all surrounding things, conditions and influences that affect life; (2) the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals] The group support stronger laws to protect the environment from industrial pollution. (1) その団体は産業汚染から環境を守るためのより厳しい法律を支持しています。 Tell us what we can do to prevent further damage to our natural environment. (2) 自然環境へのさらなるダメージを防ぐには何ができるのか教えてください。 equal [(1) the same in amount, size, weight or value; (2) having the same rights] Each of them provided an equal amount of money to start the new business. (1) 彼らはそれぞれ同金額を新事業を始めるために提供した。 The amendment guaranteed that men and women would have equal rights. (2) (法律の)改正は男女の同権を保証した。 equipment [things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity] Jack has all the equipment we will need for our camping trip. ジャックは我々のキャンプ旅行に必要となる装備をすべて持っている。 escape [(1) to get free; (2) to get away from; (3) to get out of] The lion escaped from his cage. (1) ライオンは檻から自由になった。 Three prisoners escaped from their guards. (2) 3人の囚人は看守たちから逃げた。 No one could escape from the high security prison. (3) 警備力の高い刑務所からは誰も脱獄できなかった。 especially [more than others] We liked the food, especially the fish. 私たちは料理が気に入りました。とくに魚を。 establish [(1) to bring into existence; (2) to create] Mister Jenkins established his business 23 years ago. (1) ジェンキンス氏は彼の事業を23年前に創業した。 Scientists have established a new way to communicate with creatures anywhere in the universe. (2) 科学者たちは全宇宙の生物と意思疎通を図る新しい方法を創り出した。 estimate [to form an opinion about a value, size or amount using less than complete information] The media have failed in their attempts to estimate the winners of national elections. マスメディアは国内選挙の当選者予想の試みに失敗した。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com