E-1 each [every one by itself] Each of us sang a different song in the show. early [(1) at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; (2) opposite late] They saw her walking early this morning. (1) A few arrived late, but most were early. (2) earn [to be paid in return for work done] She earns 40,000 dollars a year. earth [(1) the planet we all live on; (2) the ground or soil] Have you seen the picture of earth made from the moon's surface? (1) The sun warmed the black earth of the farmer's field. (2) earthquake [a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface] The earthquake caused severe damage to bridges and buildings in Los Angeles. ease [(1) to reduce; (2) to make less difficult] The rate of economic inflation eased last month. (1) The new equipment helped ease his job. (2) east [the direction from which the sun rises] The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west. easy [(1) not difficult; (2) not hard to do] His English is easy to understand. (1) She says that running five kilometers is easy for her. (2) eat [to take food into the body through the mouth] Can you eat now, or do you want to eat later? ecology [the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things] She is an expert on the ecology of wetlands. economy [the system by which money, industry and trade are organized] Many people hope the economy will continue to grow. edge [the line where something ends or begins] Do not write near the edge of the paper. education [the act of teaching] Congress approved the spending of 450 million dollars for aid to education. effect [the result or change caused by something] The storm had a serious effect on the economy. effort [(1) an attempt; (2) the work necessary to do something] The boy made an effort to help his mother. (1) Climbing the mountain required great effort. (2) egg [(1) the rounded object containing unborn young produced by female birds, fish or reptiles; (2) a single cell in a female person or animal that can develop into a baby] Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand. (1) Human eggs can be transplanted from one woman to another. (2) either [one of two, but not the other] Can either of you tell me how to get to the airport? elect [to choose by voting] The voters elected the state governor as President of the United States. electricity [a form of energy that flows through wires to provide heat and light, and power to machines] We did not have electricity or clean water after the storm. embassy [the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants] All foreign embassies are in Washington. --------------------- --------------------- E-1 each [every one by itself] Each of us sang a different song in the show. 私たちは催しで皆それぞれ違う歌を歌った。 early [(1) at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; (2) opposite late] They saw her walking early this morning. (1) 彼らは彼女が今朝早くに歩いているのを見た。 A few arrived late, but most were early. (2) 何人かの人は遅れて到着したが、たいていの人は早くからいた。 earn [to be paid in return for work done] She earns 40,000 dollars a year. 彼女は1年間に4万ドル稼ぐ。 earth [(1) the planet we all live on; (2) the ground or soil] Have you seen the picture of earth made from the moon's surface? (1) あなたは月面から撮った地球の写真を見たことがありますか? The sun warmed the black earth of the farmer's field. (2) 太陽は農場の黒土を暖めた。 earthquake [a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface] The earthquake caused severe damage to bridges and buildings in Los Angeles. 地震はロスサンジェルスの橋やビルに甚大な被害をもたらした。 ease [(1) to reduce; (2) to make less difficult] The rate of economic inflation eased last month. (1) 先月、経済のインフレーションの進度は和らいだ。 The new equipment helped ease his job. (2) 新しい設備は彼の仕事を容易にするのに役立った。 east [the direction from which the sun rises] The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west. 太陽は東に昇り、西に沈む。 easy [(1) not difficult; (2) not hard to do] His English is easy to understand. (1) 彼の英語はわかりやすい。 She says that running five kilometers is easy for her. (2) 彼女は5キロ走ることは自分には簡単なことだと言います。 eat [to take food into the body through the mouth] Can you eat now, or do you want to eat later? 今食べられますか?それとも後にしたいですか? ecology [the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things] She is an expert on the ecology of wetlands. 彼女は湿地帯の生態学の専門家です。 economy [the system by which money, industry and trade are organized] Many people hope the economy will continue to grow. 多くの人々が経済が成長し続けることを望んでいます。 edge [the line where something ends or begins] Do not write near the edge of the paper. 紙の端近くには書き込まないでください。 education [the act of teaching] Congress approved the spending of 450 million dollars for aid to education. 議会は教育への支援に4億5千万ドルの支出を認めた。 effect [the result or change caused by something] The storm had a serious effect on the economy. 嵐は経済へ多大な影響を及ぼした。 effort [(1) an attempt; (2) the work necessary to do something] The boy made an effort to help his mother. (1) 男の子は自分の母親を助けようと努力した。 Climbing the mountain required great effort. (2) その山に登ることは多大な努力を必要とした。 egg [(1) the rounded object containing unborn young produced by female birds, fish or reptiles; (2) a single cell in a female person or animal that can develop into a baby] Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand. (1) 海亀は卵を砂の中に埋める。 Human eggs can be transplanted from one woman to another. (2) 人の卵子はひとりの女性から別の女性に移植することができる。 either [one of two, but not the other] Can either of you tell me how to get to the airport? おふたりのどちらか、私に空港への行き方を教えてくれませんか? elect [to choose by voting] The voters elected the state governor as President of the United States. 有権者たちは合衆国大統領としてその州知事を選んだ。 electricity [a form of energy that flows through wires to provide heat and light, and power to machines] We did not have electricity or clean water after the storm. 嵐の後、我々には電気もきれいな水もなかった。 embassy [the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants] All foreign embassies are in Washington. すべての外国大使館はワシントンにあります。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com