D-4 distance [the amount of space between two places or objects] The distance from my house to your house is two kilometers. dive [to jump into water head first] He dived into the river and swam to the screaming child. divide [to separate into two or more parts] She divided the food into four equal amounts. do [(1) to act; (2) to make an effort] I did the job exactly as ordered. (1) He did the best that he could do. (2) doctor [a person trained in medicine to treat sick people] He was sick so he went to see the doctor. document [an official piece of paper with facts written on it, used as proof or support of something] The lawyer offered many documents to support his case. dog [a small animal that often lives with humans] Our dog loves to chase our cat. dollar [United States money, one hundred cents] Could I borrow a dollar from you? door [an opening for entering or leaving a building or room] He ran through the door just as she closed it. down [(1) from higher to lower; (2) in a low place] The climbers walked down the mountain. (1) I was doing some exercises down on the floor when she walked in. (2) dream [(1) to have a picture or story in the mind during sleep; (2) a picture or story in the mind during sleep; (3) a happy idea about the future] He dreamed he was standing on a falling building. (1) The man described his dream to the psychiatrist. (2) The civil rights leader had a dream that someday whites and blacks could live together in peace. (3) drink [to take liquid into the body through the mouth] I always drink water after running. drive [to control a moving vehicle] He is learning to drive a car. drop [(1) to fall or let fall; (2) to go lower] She dropped a book as she walked by him. (1) The value of the dollar dropped. (2) drown [to die under water] Three hundred people drowned when the ferry boat sank. drug [(1) anything used as a medicine or in making medicine; (2) a chemical substance used to ease pain or to affect the mind] The new drug seems to be an effective weapon against infections. (1) Some doctors say the illegal drug marijuana can reduce bad effects of treatment with anti-cancer chemicals. (2) dry [(1) not wet; (2) without rain] This raincoat will keep you dry. (1) The hot, dry weather is causing severe problems for farmers. (2) during [(1) through the whole time; (2) while (something is happening)] She said she would be too busy during the day to see me. (1) I slept during his long speech. (2) dust [pieces of matter so small that they can float in the air] After the explosion, the air in the building was filled with dust. duty [(1) one's job or responsibility; (2) what one must do because it is right and just] The soldier was often on guard duty. (1) It is my duty to vote on election day. (2) --------------------- --------------------- D-4 distance [the amount of space between two places or objects] The distance from my house to your house is two kilometers. 私の家からあなたの家までの距離は2キロです。 dive [to jump into water head first] He dived into the river and swam to the screaming child. 彼は川に飛び込み、叫んでいる子供のところへ泳いだ。 divide [to separate into two or more parts] She divided the food into four equal amounts. 彼女は食料を均等に4つに分けた。 do [(1) to act; (2) to make an effort] I did the job exactly as ordered. (1) 私は命令された通りに仕事をした。 He did the best that he could do. (2) 彼はできるだけの最善をつくした。 doctor [a person trained in medicine to treat sick people] He was sick so he went to see the doctor. 彼は気分が悪かったので医者に行った。 document [an official piece of paper with facts written on it, used as proof or support of something] The lawyer offered many documents to support his case. 弁護士は彼の主張を証拠だてる多くの書類を提出した。 dog [a small animal that often lives with humans] Our dog loves to chase our cat. 私たちの犬は(一緒に飼っている)猫を追いかけるのが好きです。 dollar [United States money, one hundred cents] Could I borrow a dollar from you? 1ドル貸して頂けますか? door [an opening for entering or leaving a building or room] He ran through the door just as she closed it. 彼は彼女がドアを閉めるまさにその時、走り抜けた。 down [(1) from higher to lower; (2) in a low place] The climbers walked down the mountain. (1) 登山者たちは歩いて下山した。 I was doing some exercises down on the floor when she walked in. (2) 私は彼女が入って来た時、床の上で運動をしていました。 dream [(1) to have a picture or story in the mind during sleep; (2) a picture or story in the mind during sleep; (3) a happy idea about the future] He dreamed he was standing on a falling building. (1) 彼は倒れるビルに立っている夢を見ました。 The man described his dream to the psychiatrist. (2) 男は彼の夢を精神科医に説明した。 The civil rights leader had a dream that someday whites and blacks could live together in peace. (3) 公民権運動の指導者は、いつの日か白人と黒人が平和に一緒に暮らせるようになる夢を持っていた。 drink [to take liquid into the body through the mouth] I always drink water after running. 私は走った後はいつも水を飲みます。 drive [to control a moving vehicle] He is learning to drive a car. 彼は車の運転を学んでいます。 drop [(1) to fall or let fall; (2) to go lower] She dropped a book as she walked by him. (1) 彼女は彼のそばを歩いて通りすぎる時、本を落した。 The value of the dollar dropped. (2) ドルの価値が下がった。 drown [to die under water] Three hundred people drowned when the ferry boat sank. そのフェリーボートが沈んだ時、300人が溺死した。 drug [(1) anything used as a medicine or in making medicine; (2) a chemical substance used to ease pain or to affect the mind] The new drug seems to be an effective weapon against infections. (1) 新薬は伝染病に対して効果的な手段となりそうです。 Some doctors say the illegal drug marijuana can reduce bad effects of treatment with anti-cancer chemicals. (2) 医者の中には不法な麻薬マリファナは坑癌薬物治療の副作用を減らせると言う人もいる。 dry [(1) not wet; (2) without rain] This raincoat will keep you dry. (1) このレインコートであなたは濡れずにすみます。 The hot, dry weather is causing severe problems for farmers. (2) 暑く、乾燥した天候は農夫たちに深刻な問題を生じさせている。 during [(1) through the whole time; (2) while (something is happening)] She said she would be too busy during the day to see me. (1) 彼女はその日は1日中大変忙しいので、私には会えないと言った。 I slept during his long speech. (2) 彼の長いスピーチの間、私は居眠りをした。 dust [pieces of matter so small that they can float in the air] After the explosion, the air in the building was filled with dust. 爆発の後、ビルの中の空気はほこりでいっぱいだった。 duty [(1) one's job or responsibility; (2) what one must do because it is right and just] The soldier was often on guard duty. (1) 兵士はひんぱんに衛兵勤務に就いた。 It is my duty to vote on election day. (2) 選挙日に投票することは私の義務です。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com