D-3 device [a piece of equipment made for a special purpose] The microwave cooker is a device I use every day. dictator [a ruler with complete power] The people of Yugoslavia forced the dictator from power. die [(1) to become dead; (2) to stop living; (3) to end] If you touch that wire you will die. (1) The river died slowly as pollution increased. (2) All hope died when the prison gate closed. (3) diet [usual daily food and drink] The doctor ordered a special diet to help him lose weight. different [not the same] His clothes are different from mine. difficult [(1) not easy; (2) hard to do, make or carry out] Keith was a difficult child. (1) Building a boat is a difficult job. (2) dig [to make a hole in the ground] Dig here and you will find water. dinner [(1) the main amount of food eaten at a usual time; (2) a special event that includes food ] The family had its dinner at noon. (1) The official dinner took place at the White House. (2) diplomat [a person who represents his or her government in dealing with another government] Most foreign diplomats live in the Washington area. direct [(1) to lead; (2) to aim or show the way;(3) straight to something; (4) not through some other person or thing] The mayor directs all city agencies. (1) He directed me to the theater. (2) The most direct way to Annapolis is Highway 50. (3) The path is direct. (4) direction [(1) the way (east, west, north, south); (2) where someone or something came from or went to] North is the opposite direction from south. (1) The cold wind is coming from that direction. (2) dirt [earth or soil] Little children enjoy playing in the dirt. disappear [(1) to become unseen; (2) to no longer exist] His dog disappears when it is time for a bath. (1) Dinosaurs disappeared a long time ago. (2) disarm [(1) to take away weapons; (2) to no longer keep weapons; (3) to make a bomb harmless by removing its exploding device] The policeman disarmed the gunman. (1) Some smaller countries have disarmed. (2) Explosives experts often can disarm bombs. (3) discover [to find or learn something] Scientists have discovered cures for many kinds of cancer. discuss [(1) to talk about; (2) to exchange ideas] We can discuss anything you wish. (1) The two presidents discussed trade and other economic issues. (2) disease [a sickness in living things, often caused by viruses, germs or bacteria] Modern medicines have made some diseases disappear. dismiss [(1) to send away; (2) to refuse to consider] The scientist was dismissed for copying secret information about nuclear weapons. (1) The senators dismissed any idea of campaign finance reform. (2) dispute [(1) to oppose strongly by argument; (2) an angry debate] The two nations disputed where the border between them should be. (1) The United Nations helped settle the border dispute. (2) dissident [a person who strongly disagrees with his or her government] The three dissidents were sentenced to long prison terms. --------------------- --------------------- D-3 device [a piece of equipment made for a special purpose] The microwave cooker is a device I use every day. 電子レンジ調理器は私が毎日使う機器です。 dictator [a ruler with complete power] The people of Yugoslavia forced the dictator from power. ユーゴスラビアの人々は指導者を権力からひきずりおろした。 die [(1) to become dead; (2) to stop living; (3) to end] If you touch that wire you will die. (1) その電線に触ったら、死にます。 The river died slowly as pollution increased. (2) 汚染が進むにつれ川は徐々に死んだ。 All hope died when the prison gate closed. (3) 刑務所の扉が閉まった時すべての希望が消えた。 diet [usual daily food and drink] The doctor ordered a special diet to help him lose weight. 医者は彼の体重を減らすために特別な食餌を指示した。 different [not the same] His clothes are different from mine. 彼の服は私の服とは違います。 difficult [(1) not easy; (2) hard to do, make or carry out] Keith was a difficult child. (1) キースは扱いにくい子供だった。 Building a boat is a difficult job. (2) 船を造ることは難しい仕事です。 dig [to make a hole in the ground] Dig here and you will find water. ここを掘りなさい。そうすれば水が見つかるでしょう。 dinner [(1) the main amount of food eaten at a usual time; (2) a special event that includes food ] The family had its dinner at noon. (1) その家族は正餐を昼にとった。 The official dinner took place at the White House. (2) 公式の晩餐会はホワイトハウスで開催された。 diplomat [a person who represents his or her government in dealing with another government] Most foreign diplomats live in the Washington area. ほとんどの外国の外交官たちはワシントン地区に住んでいる。 direct [(1) to lead; (2) to aim or show the way;(3) straight to something; (4) not through some other person or thing] The mayor directs all city agencies. (1) 市長は市のすべての機関を監督します。 He directed me to the theater. (2) 彼は劇場への道を教えてくれた。 The most direct way to Annapolis is Highway 50. (3) アナポリスへ一番まっすぐに行ける道はハイウェイ50です。 The path is direct. (4) この道が直行路です。 direction [(1) the way (east, west, north, south); (2) where someone or something came from or went to] North is the opposite direction from south. (1) 北は南の反対の方角です。 The cold wind is coming from that direction. (2) 冷たい風はその方向から吹いています。 dirt [earth or soil] Little children enjoy playing in the dirt. 小さな子供たちは泥の中で遊ぶことが楽しい。 disappear [(1) to become unseen; (2) to no longer exist] His dog disappears when it is time for a bath. (1) 彼の犬は入浴の時間になると姿を消します。 Dinosaurs disappeared a long time ago. (2) 恐竜はずっと昔に姿を消しました。 disarm [(1) to take away weapons; (2) to no longer keep weapons; (3) to make a bomb harmless by removing its exploding device] The policeman disarmed the gunman. (1) 警察官は武装犯人の武器を取り上げた。 Some smaller countries have disarmed. (2) 小さな国の中には軍備を放棄した国があります。 Explosives experts often can disarm bombs. (3) 爆発物の専門家はたいていの場合、爆弾を安全化できる。 discover [to find or learn something] Scientists have discovered cures for many kinds of cancer. 科学者たちは多くの種類の癌治療法を発見してきました。 discuss [(1) to talk about; (2) to exchange ideas] We can discuss anything you wish. (1) あなたが望むことをなんでも話し合いましょう。 The two presidents discussed trade and other economic issues. (2) 2人の大統領は貿易と他の経済問題を討議した。 disease [a sickness in living things, often caused by viruses, germs or bacteria] Modern medicines have made some diseases disappear. 現代医薬はいくつかの病気を撲滅させました。 dismiss [(1) to send away; (2) to refuse to consider] The scientist was dismissed for copying secret information about nuclear weapons. (1) 科学者は核兵器についての秘密情報をコピーしたため解雇された。 The senators dismissed any idea of campaign finance reform. (2) 上院議員らは選挙運動資金改革のいかなる案もはねつけた。 dispute [(1) to oppose strongly by argument; (2) an angry debate] The two nations disputed where the border between them should be. (1) 2国は両国間のどこを国境とすべきか言い争った。 The United Nations helped settle the border dispute. (2) 国連は国境論争を解決する手助けをした。 dissident [a person who strongly disagrees with his or her government] The three dissidents were sentenced to long prison terms. 3人の反体制者は長期の禁固刑を言い渡された。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com