D-2 define [(1) to give the meaning of; (2) to explain] Today, I want you to define all the words on this list. (1) Please define how the new system will work. (2)      degree [a measure of temperature] The temperature outside is two degrees, Celsius. delay [(1) to decide to do something at a later time; (2) to postpone; (3) to cause to be late] Let us delay dinner until we finish this work. (1) The meeting will be delayed until ten o'clock tomorrow morning. (2) The snowstorm delayed my arrival. (3) delegate [(1) one sent to act for another; (2) one who represents another] The President named the Vice President to be his chief delegate at the trade talks. (1) The elected state assembly in Virginia is called the House of Delegates. (2) demand [(1) to ask by ordering; (2) to ask with force] His wife demanded that he paint the windows. (1) The law demands that we pay our taxes on time. (2) democracy [the system of government in which citizens vote to choose leaders or to make other important decisions] The United States has been a representative democracy for more than two hundred years. demonstrate [(1) to make a public show of opinions or feelings; (2) to explain by using examples] The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights. (1) The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. (2) denounce [(1) to accuse of being wrong or evil; (2) to criticize severely] The war crimes court denounced the general for murder and other evil acts. (1) The candidate denounced the newspaper report about his arrest. (2) deny [(1) to declare that something is not true; (2) to refuse a request] The mayor denied the report that he had taken illegal payments. (1) The appeals court denied the woman's request for a new trial. (2) depend [to need help and support] I depend on my friends for emotional support. deplore [(1) to regret strongly; (2) to express sadness] The United Nations deplored the latest violence in the Middle East. (1) The President deplored the deaths in the ship explosion. (2) deploy [to move forces or weapons into positions for action] The general deployed his forces along the border. depression [(1) severe unhappiness; (2) a period of reduced business and economic activity during which many people lose their jobs] The doctor gave her medicine for her depression. (1) The latest economic depression in the United States happened a long time ago. (2) describe [(1) to give a word picture of something; (2) to give details of something] The young man described his home in the desert. (1) The report described how the problem developed. (2) desert [a dry area of land] Survival is difficult in the hot, dry desert. design [to plan or create plans for] An architect designed my new home. desire [(1) to want very much; (2) to wish for] After traveling for two weeks, Jim very much desired a meal cooked at home. (1) If you could have anything you wanted, what would you desire? (2) destroy [(1) to break into pieces; (2) to end the existence of] The earthquake destroyed many houses. (1) His actions destroyed any trust between them. (2) detail [(1) a small part of something; (2) a small piece of information] Lisa decided every detail of her wedding. (1) I want to hear every detail of your story. (2) develop [(1) to grow; (2) to create; (3) to experience progress] He is developing into a fine young man. (1) The professor developed a new way to teach English. (2) The country needed many years to develop an industrial economy. (3) --------------------- --------------------- D-2 define [(1) to give the meaning of; (2) to explain] Today, I want you to define all the words on this list. (1) 今日はこのリストにあるすべての単語の意味を定義してください。 Please define how the new system will work. (2)      新システムがどのように機能するのか明確に説明してください。 degree [a measure of temperature] The temperature outside is two degrees, Celsius. 外気温は摂氏2度です。 *華氏 Fahrenheit delay [(1) to decide to do something at a later time; (2) to postpone; (3) to cause to be late] Let us delay dinner until we finish this work. (1) 夕食はこの仕事が終わってからにしましょう。 The meeting will be delayed until ten o'clock tomorrow morning. (2) ミーティングは明朝10時まで延期されます。 The snowstorm delayed my arrival. (3) 吹雪で到着が遅れました。 delegate [(1) one sent to act for another; (2) one who represents another] The President named the Vice President to be his chief delegate at the trade talks. (1) 大統領は副大統領を貿易会議の首席代表に任命した。 The elected state assembly in Virginia is called the House of Delegates. (2) ヴァージニア州で選出された州議会は"the House of Delegates"と呼ばれる。 demand [(1) to ask by ordering; (2) to ask with force] His wife demanded that he paint the windows. (1) 彼の奥さんは彼に窓のペンキを塗ってほしいと要求した。 The law demands that we pay our taxes on time. (2) 法律は我々が期日までに税金を支払うことを要求している。 democracy [the system of government in which citizens vote to choose leaders or to make other important decisions] The United States has been a representative democracy for more than two hundred years. 合衆国は200年以上の間、民主主義の代表となってきました。 demonstrate [(1) to make a public show of opinions or feelings; (2) to explain by using examples] The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights. (1) 群集は人権を支持してデモをした。 The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. (2) 先生は実験で考えを説明した。 denounce [(1) to accuse of being wrong or evil; (2) to criticize severely] The war crimes court denounced the general for murder and other evil acts. (1) 戦争犯罪裁判所はその将軍を殺人とその他の悪行で弾劾した。 The candidate denounced the newspaper report about his arrest. (2) 候補者は自分の逮捕についての新聞報道を非難した。 deny [(1) to declare that something is not true; (2) to refuse a request] The mayor denied the report that he had taken illegal payments. (1) 市長は自分が不法な報酬を受けていたという報道を否定した。 The appeals court denied the woman's request for a new trial. (2) 控訴裁判所は女性の再審請求を却下した。 depend [to need help and support] I depend on my friends for emotional support. 私は精神的支えに友達を頼っている。 deplore [(1) to regret strongly; (2) to express sadness] The United Nations deplored the latest violence in the Middle East. (1) 国際連合は中東における最近の暴力に遺憾を表明した。 The President deplored the deaths in the ship explosion. (2) 大統領は船の爆発で亡くなった人々を悼んだ。 deploy [to move forces or weapons into positions for action] The general deployed his forces along the border. 将軍は軍隊を国境沿いに配置した。 depression [(1) severe unhappiness; (2) a period of reduced business and economic activity during which many people lose their jobs] The doctor gave her medicine for her depression. (1) 医者はうつの薬を彼女に与えた。 The latest economic depression in the United States happened a long time ago. (2) 合衆国における最後の経済不況はだいぶ昔のことでした。 describe [(1) to give a word picture of something; (2) to give details of something] The young man described his home in the desert. (1) 若者は砂漠にある彼の家のことを描写した。 The report described how the problem developed. (2) 報告書は問題がどのように発展したのかを記述した。 desert [a dry area of land] Survival is difficult in the hot, dry desert. 暑く乾いた砂漠で生き延びることは難しい。 design [to plan or create plans for] An architect designed my new home. ある建築家が私の新しい家を設計した。 desire [(1) to want very much; (2) to wish for] After traveling for two weeks, Jim very much desired a meal cooked at home. (1) 2週間旅した後、ジムは家庭料理が食べたくてしょうがなかった。 If you could have anything you wanted, what would you desire? (2) もしほしい物が何でも手に入るとしたら、何がほしいですか? destroy [(1) to break into pieces; (2) to end the existence of] The earthquake destroyed many houses. (1) 地震は多くの家を破壊した。 His actions destroyed any trust between them. (2) 彼の行為は彼らの間の信頼を台無しにした。 detail [(1) a small part of something; (2) a small piece of information] Lisa decided every detail of her wedding. (1) リサは自分の結婚式の全細目を決めた。 I want to hear every detail of your story. (2) 私はあなたの話の詳細すべてを聞きたい。 develop [(1) to grow; (2) to create; (3) to experience progress] He is developing into a fine young man. (1) 彼はよい若者に成長している。 The professor developed a new way to teach English. (2) 教授は新しい英語教授法を開発した。 The country needed many years to develop an industrial economy. (3) その国は工業経済を発達させるのに何年もかかった。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com