D-1 dam [a wall built across a river to hold back flowing water] The dam burst after a week of rain. damage [(1) to cause injury or destruction; (2) harm; (3) hurt or injury, usually to things] The boy damaged his toys by throwing them against the wall. (1) The storm caused a lot of damage to crops. (2) Hitting the tree did serious damage to my car. (3) dance [(1) to move the body and feet to music; (2) a series of steps, usually to music] Will you dance with me? (1) Do you know how to do the chicken dance? (2) danger [a strong chance of suffering injury, damage or loss] Some people enjoy the danger of rock climbing or sky diving. dark [having little or no light] The room was dark. date [a day, month and year] Today's date is September 10, 2000. daughter [a person's female child] Tommy is going to the movies with Helen's daughter. day [(1) twenty-four hours; (2) the hours of sunlight] I plan to be away from home for ten days. (1) Alan works at night and sleeps during the day. (2) dead [not living] The number of dead and injured in the rioting is not yet known. deaf [not able to hear] The deaf man could not hear what you said. deal [(1) to have to do with; (2) to buy or sell] The talks will deal with the problem of pollution. (1) Her company deals in plastic. (2) debate [(1) to argue for or against something; (2) a public discussion or argument] The two candidates debated for one and a half hours on nationwide television. (1) Which candidate do you think won the debate? (2) debt [(1) something that is owed; (2)the condition of owing] The bank will want a list of all your debts before it considers your loan request. (1) I owe a great debt to my family for all they did for me. (2) decide [(1) to choose; (2) to settle; (3) to judge] Which of the two books did you decide to read? (1) Jay and I agreed that we would decide our dispute. (2) The judge decided that the accused man was not guilty. (3) declare [(1) to say; (2) to make a statement] Jane declared that she never wanted to see him again. (1) The United States declared its independence from Britain on July 4, 1776. (2) decrease [to make less in size or amount] Technology helped the farmer to decrease his use of electricity. deep [(1) going far down; (2) a long way from top to bottom] The diver went deep into the ocean. (1) The ocean was very deep where the ship went down. (2) defeat [to cause to lose in a battle or struggle; (2) a loss; (3) the condition of having lost] The House of Representatives defeated the President's request for more money for health care. (1) It was the first defeat for the White House on health care spending. (2) The defeat kills efforts to expand the health care system. (3) defend [(1) to guard or fight against attack; (2) to protect] The soldiers fought hard to defend the city from the invaders. (1) How can you defend what he did? (2) deficit [a shortage that results when spending is greater than earnings, or imports are greater than exports] The President and the Congress worked together to reduce the budget deficit. --------------------- --------------------- D-1 dam [a wall built across a river to hold back flowing water] The dam burst after a week of rain. ダムは1週間の雨の後、決壊した。 damage [(1) to cause injury or destruction; (2) harm; (3) hurt or injury, usually to things] The boy damaged his toys by throwing them against the wall. (1) 男の子は、彼のおもちゃを壁に投げつけて壊した。 The storm caused a lot of damage to crops. (2) 嵐は農作物に多大な損害をもたらした。 Hitting the tree did serious damage to my car. (3) 木にぶつかったので、私の車は大破した。 dance [(1) to move the body and feet to music; (2) a series of steps, usually to music] Will you dance with me? (1) 私と踊っていただけませんか? Do you know how to do the chicken dance? (2) チキンダンスは、どのように踊るのか知っていますか? *チキンダンス:鳥のようなユーモラスな振りの陽気な踊り。ドイツ系アメリカ人の祭り"Oktoberfest(10月祭)"でよく見られる。 danger [a strong chance of suffering injury, damage or loss] Some people enjoy the danger of rock climbing or sky diving. 人によっては、ロッククライミングまたはスカイダイビングの危険を楽しむ人がいる。 dark [having little or no light] The room was dark. 部屋は暗かった。 date [a day, month and year] Today's date is September 10, 2000. 今日は2000年9月10日です。 daughter [a person's female child] Tommy is going to the movies with Helen's daughter. トミーはヘレンの娘と映画へ行きます。 day [(1) twenty-four hours; (2) the hours of sunlight] I plan to be away from home for ten days. (1) 私は10日間家を留守にする予定です。 Alan works at night and sleeps during the day. (2) アランは夜働き、日中は寝る。 dead [not living] The number of dead and injured in the rioting is not yet known. 暴動での死者とけが人の数はまだ分かっていない。 deaf [not able to hear] The deaf man could not hear what you said. 聴覚障害の男の人は、あなたの言うことが聞こえませんでした。 deal [(1) to have to do with; (2) to buy or sell] The talks will deal with the problem of pollution. (1) 会議は汚染の問題を取り上げるでしょう。 Her company deals in plastic. (2) 彼女の会社はプラスティックを取り扱っている。 debate [(1) to argue for or against something; (2) a public discussion or argument] The two candidates debated for one and a half hours on nationwide television. (1) 2人の候補者は全国放送テレビで1時間半の間討論した。 Which candidate do you think won the debate? (2) どちらの候補者が討論に勝利したと思いますか? debt [(1) something that is owed; (2)the condition of owing] The bank will want a list of all your debts before it considers your loan request. (1) 銀行はあなたの借入申請を考慮する前に、あなたの全負債の一覧を要求するでしょう。 I owe a great debt to my family for all they did for me. (2) 家族が私にしてくれたことに、私は大変な恩義を持っている。 decide [(1) to choose; (2) to settle; (3) to judge] Which of the two books did you decide to read? (1) 2冊の本のうちどちらを読むことにしましたか? Jay and I agreed that we would decide our dispute. (2) ジェイと私は我々の口論に決着をつけることに同意した。 The judge decided that the accused man was not guilty. (3) 裁判官は被告が無罪であると判決を下した。 declare [(1) to say; (2) to make a statement] Jane declared that she never wanted to see him again. (1) ジェーンは彼に2度と会いたくないと明言した。 The United States declared its independence from Britain on July 4, 1776. (2) アメリカ合衆国は英国からの独立を1776年7月4日に宣言した。 decrease [to make less in size or amount] Technology helped the farmer to decrease his use of electricity. 科学技術は農夫が電気の使用を減らすのに役立った。 deep [(1) going far down; (2) a long way from top to bottom] The diver went deep into the ocean. (1) 潜水士は海の中深く潜った。 The ocean was very deep where the ship went down. (2) 船が沈没したところはとても深い海だった。 defeat [to cause to lose in a battle or struggle; (2) a loss; (3) the condition of having lost] The House of Representatives defeated the President's request for more money for health care. (1) 下院は大統領の保健医療費増額の要求を退けた。 It was the first defeat for the White House on health care spending. (2) ホワイトハウスが保健医療費用問題で敗北したのは初めてのことだった。 The defeat kills efforts to expand the health care system. (3) その失敗は保険医療制度を拡充しようとする努力をだめにした。 defend [(1) to guard or fight against attack; (2) to protect] The soldiers fought hard to defend the city from the invaders. (1) 兵士たちは侵略者から町を守るために果敢に闘った。 How can you defend what he did? (2) あなたは彼のしたことをどのようにかばうつもりですか? deficit [a shortage that results when spending is greater than earnings, or imports are greater than exports] The President and the Congress worked together to reduce the budget deficit. 大統領と議会は予算の赤字減少のために共に努力した。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com