C-7 crisis [(1) an extremely important time when something may become much better or worse; (2) a dangerous situation] During a middle age crisis, people often make changes in their life. (1) The Cuban missile crisis in the 1960s almost caused a nuclear war. (2) criticize [(1) to say what is wrong with something or someone; (2) to condemn; (3) to judge] His teacher criticized him for not completing his report. (1) The judge criticized the man for his evil acts and sentenced him to spend twenty years in prison. (2) Her editor asked her to criticize a new book about ancient Egypt. (3) crops [plants that are grown and gathered for food, such as grains, fruits and vegetables] The major crops in this area are corn and soybeans. cross [(1) to go from one side to another; (2) to go across] The mother holds her child's hand when they cross the street. (1) This ship crosses the ocean in five days. (2) crowd [a large number of people gathered in one place] A large crowd gathered to watch the show. crush [(1) to damage or destroy by great weight; (2)to defeat completely] The falling tree crushed the house. (1) The T.C. Williams High School football team crushed every team it played that year. (2) cry [to express or show sorrow or pain] The thought of never seeing her again made him cry. culture [all the beliefs, traditions and arts of a group or population] Her Western culture and my Eastern culture made our lives exciting. cure [(1) to improve health; (2) to make well; (3) something that makes a sick person well] Living more simply and eating plain food cured most of her health problems. (1) The doctor can cure the disease. (2)  Antibiotics are a cure for infection. (3) curfew [an order to people to stay off the streets or to close their businesses] The streets were empty every night after the ten o'clock curfew. current [(1) movement of air, water or electricity; (2) belonging to the present] The current slows down in this wide part of the river. (1) She found the report in a current publication. (2) custom [a long-established belief or activity of a people] It is our custom to go to church on Sunday mornings. customs [taxes on imports] I like to buy items in the custom-free store because there are no taxes to pay on the purchase. cut [(1) to divide or injure with a sharp tool; (2) to make less; (3) to reduce] She cut her finger while using the bread knife. (1) The labor strike cut the company's production by 60 percent. (2) Congress cut foreign aid spending. (3) --------------------- --------------------- C-7 crisis [(1) an extremely important time when something may become much better or worse; (2) a dangerous situation] During a middle age crisis, people often make changes in their life. (1) 人々は中年期の転機にたびたび人生の転換を図る。 The Cuban missile crisis in the 1960s almost caused a nuclear war. (2) 1960年代のキューバミサイル危機はもう少しで核戦争を引き起こすところだった。 criticize [(1) to say what is wrong with something or someone; (2) to condemn; (3) to judge] His teacher criticized him for not completing his report. (1) 彼の先生はレポートを仕上げなかったことで彼を責めた。 The judge criticized the man for his evil acts and sentenced him to spend twenty years in prison. (2) 裁判官は男の悪行をとがめ、彼に20年の入獄を言い渡した。 Her editor asked her to criticize a new book about ancient Egypt. (3) 彼女の編集者は彼女に古代エジプトについて書かれた新本を批評してほしいと頼んだ。 crops [plants that are grown and gathered for food, such as grains, fruits and vegetables] The major crops in this area are corn and soybeans. この地域の主たる農産物はとうもろこしと大豆です。 cross [(1) to go from one side to another; (2) to go across] The mother holds her child's hand when they cross the street. (1) 母親はその道を渡る時、彼女の子供の手を握ります。 This ship crosses the ocean in five days. (2) この船は5日で大洋を横断する。 crowd [a large number of people gathered in one place] A large crowd gathered to watch the show. 大群衆が催しを見に集まった。 crush [(1) to damage or destroy by great weight; (2)to defeat completely] The falling tree crushed the house. (1) 倒れた木は家を押しつぶした。 The T.C. Williams High School football team crushed every team it played that year. (2) T.C.ウイリアムズ高校のフットボールチームはその年試合したすべてのチームを打ち負かした。 cry [to express or show sorrow or pain] The thought of never seeing her again made him cry. 2度と彼女に会えないという思いが彼を泣かした。 culture [all the beliefs, traditions and arts of a group or population] Her Western culture and my Eastern culture made our lives exciting. 彼女の西洋文化と私の東洋文化は私たちの人生を楽しいものにした。 cure [(1) to improve health; (2) to make well; (3) something that makes a sick person well] Living more simply and eating plain food cured most of her health problems. (1) 質素な生活とあっさりとした食べ物で、彼女の健康問題はほとんど改善した。 The doctor can cure the disease. (2)  その医者はその病気が治せる。 Antibiotics are a cure for infection. (3) 抗生物質は伝染病の治療薬です。 curfew [an order to people to stay off the streets or to close their businesses] The streets were empty every night after the ten o'clock curfew. 10時の外出禁止の後は毎晩、街路には人影がなかった。 current [(1) movement of air, water or electricity; (2) belonging to the present] The current slows down in this wide part of the river. (1) 川の流れはこの広くなったところで緩やかになる。 She found the report in a current publication. (2) 彼女は最新の出版物の中にその報告を見つけた。 custom [a long-established belief or activity of a people] It is our custom to go to church on Sunday mornings. 日曜日の朝、教会に行くことは我々の習慣です。 customs [taxes on imports] I like to buy items in the custom-free store because there are no taxes to pay on the purchase. 私は購入品に税金(関税)がかからないので、免税店で品物を買うのが好きです。 cut [(1) to divide or injure with a sharp tool; (2) to make less; (3) to reduce] She cut her finger while using the bread knife. (1) 彼女はパン切りナイフを使っている時に指を切った。 The labor strike cut the company's production by 60 percent. (2) その労働ストライキは会社の生産量を6割方減らした。 Congress cut foreign aid spending. (3) 国会は外国援助支出を削減した。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com