C-6 cook [to heat food before eating it] Helen will cook spaghetti with meat sauce tonight. cool [almost cold] My coffee is cool. Would you warm it for me, please? cooperate [to act or work together] If we cooperate on this work, we will finish more quickly. copy [(1) to make something exactly like another; (2) something made to look exactly like another] Joseph can copy that document for us. (1) This copy is so bad I cannot read it. (2) corn [a food grain] Scientists are worried because genetically-changed corn got into food supplies for people. correct [(1) true; (2) free from mistakes; (3) to change to what is right] That is the correct date of the election. (1) That sales agreement is correct. (2) Did you correct that script? (3) cost [(1) the price or value of something; (2) to be valued at] The cost of the book is five dollars. (1) The book costs five dollars. (2) cotton [a material made from a plant of the same name] Most clothes are made of cotton. count [to speak or add numbers] Her child learned to count by watching Sesame Street on television. country [(1) a nation; (2) the territory of a nation; (3) land away from cities] English is one of the languages of his country. (1) Much of the country in the West is desert. (2) My family had a farmhouse in the country, not too far from the city. (3) court [(1) where trials take place; (2) where judges make decisions about law] We have to give evidence in court today. (1) The appeals court is considering mistakes made in his trial. (2) cover [(1) to put something over a person or thing; (2) anything that is put over a person or thing] Please cover the food left from dinner. (1) Put your name on the front cover of your book. (2) cow [a farm animal used for its milk] He must pump the milk from his cows every morning and evening. crash [(1) to fall violently; (2) to hit with great force] The airplane crashed into the mountain. (1) The two cars crashed into each other. (2) create [(1)to make; (2) to give life or form to] She created a beautiful poem. (1) The Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. (2) creature [(1) any living being; (2) any animal or human] A microscope can show a great many living creatures in a drop of water. (1) People are learning how to live peacefully with other creatures. (2) credit [an agreement that payments will be made at a later time] With this card I can use credit to buy things today and pay for them next month. crew [a group of people working together] Ten members of the ship's crew were injured by the explosion. crime [an act that violates a law] Telling a lie to the court is a crime. criminal [a person who is responsible for a crime] The organization tries to find jobs for criminals released from prison. --------------------- --------------------- C-6 cook [to heat food before eating it] Helen will cook spaghetti with meat sauce tonight. 今夜、ヘレンはミートソースのスパゲッティを料理します。 cool [almost cold] My coffee is cool. Would you warm it for me, please? 私のコーヒーは冷えています。温めていただけませんか? cooperate [to act or work together] If we cooperate on this work, we will finish more quickly. もし我々がこの仕事で協力すれば、もっと早く終わらせることができるでしょう。 copy [(1) to make something exactly like another; (2) something made to look exactly like another] Joseph can copy that document for us. (1) ジョセフが我々のためにその書類をコピーします。 This copy is so bad I cannot read it. (2) この写しはとても(状態が)悪いので読むことができません。 corn [a food grain] Scientists are worried because genetically-changed corn got into food supplies for people. 科学者たちは遺伝子変換したとうもろこしが人々への食料供給に入ってしまったので、気をもんでいます。 correct [(1) true; (2) free from mistakes; (3) to change to what is right] That is the correct date of the election. (1) それが選挙の正しい日にちです。 That sales agreement is correct. (2) その販売契約に間違いはありません。 Did you correct that script? (3) その台本を訂正しましたか? cost [(1) the price or value of something; (2) to be valued at] The cost of the book is five dollars. (1) 本の値段は5ドルです。 The book costs five dollars. (2) 本は5ドルします。 cotton [a material made from a plant of the same name] Most clothes are made of cotton. ほとんどの服は綿で出来ている。 count [to speak or add numbers] Her child learned to count by watching Sesame Street on television. 彼女の子供はテレビで「セサミストリート」を見ることで数え方を覚えた。 country [(1) a nation; (2) the territory of a nation; (3) land away from cities] English is one of the languages of his country. (1) 英語は彼の国の言語の1つです。 Much of the country in the West is desert. (2) 西部の土地のほとんどは砂漠です。 My family had a farmhouse in the country, not too far from the city. (3) 私の家族は、都会からさほど遠くない田舎に農家を持っていた。 court [(1) where trials take place; (2) where judges make decisions about law] We have to give evidence in court today. (1) 我々は今日、法廷で証拠を提出しなければならない。 The appeals court is considering mistakes made in his trial. (2) 上訴裁判所は彼の裁判で起こった間違いを審議しています。 cover [(1) to put something over a person or thing; (2) anything that is put over a person or thing] Please cover the food left from dinner. (1) 夕食で残った食べ物に覆いをしてください。 Put your name on the front cover of your book. (2) あなたの本の表紙に名前を書いてください。 cow [a farm animal used for its milk] He must pump the milk from his cows every morning and evening. 彼は毎朝、毎晩牛からミルクを搾らなければならない。 crash [(1) to fall violently; (2) to hit with great force] The airplane crashed into the mountain. (1) 飛行機は山に激突、墜落した。 The two cars crashed into each other. (2) 2台の車が互いに衝突した。 create [(1)to make; (2) to give life or form to] She created a beautiful poem. (1) 彼女は美しい詩を創作した。 The Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. (2) 独立宣言は人はみな平等に創造されると言っている。 creature [(1) any living being; (2) any animal or human] A microscope can show a great many living creatures in a drop of water. (1) 顕微鏡で1滴の水の中に非常に多くの生物がいるのを見ることができる。 People are learning how to live peacefully with other creatures. (2) 人々は他の動物たちと平和的に共存する方法を学んでいる。 credit [an agreement that payments will be made at a later time] With this card I can use credit to buy things today and pay for them next month. このカードで私は信用保証で今日物を買い、来月支払うことができる。 crew [a group of people working together] Ten members of the ship's crew were injured by the explosion. 10人の船の乗組員たちが爆発でけがをした。 crime [an act that violates a law] Telling a lie to the court is a crime. 法廷でうそをつくことは犯罪です。 criminal [a person who is responsible for a crime] The organization tries to find jobs for criminals released from prison. その団体は刑務所から出所した犯罪者たちに仕事を見つけるため努力しています。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com