C-5 compromise [the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept less than first demanded] Compromise may not be possible in that dispute. computer [an electronic machine for storing and organizing information, and for communicating with others] Computers are a necessary tool for managing a business. concern [(1) interest, worry; (2) to fear] The president expressed concern about the continuing violence. (1) He said he is especially concerned that the fighting will spread to other countries. (2) condemn [to say a person or action is wrong or bad] The senators condemned the man for refusing to answer their questions. condition [(1) something declared necessary to complete an agreement; (2) a person's health] The conditions for his resignation included a ten million dollar payment. (1) The doctor said the examination showed that Gary was in excellent condition. (2) conference [a meeting] I seemed to spend my days going from one conference to another. confirm [(1) to approve; (2) to say that something is true] The senate confirmed the appointment of the new Agriculture Secretary. (1) The candidate confirmed the report that he was ending his campaign. (2) conflict [(1) a fight; (2) a battle, especially a long one] We had a conflict about politics. (1) The long conflict finally ended with a ceasefire, not a peace treaty. (2) congratulate [to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck] I congratulate you for getting the highest score on the history test. Congress [(1) the organization of people elected to make the laws of the United States (the House of Representatives and the Senate); (2) a similar organization in other countries] The President's party did not win control of either house of Congress. (1) Five members of Mexico's Congress are in Washington to discuss trade issues. (2) connect [(1) to join one thing to another; (2) to unite; (3) to link] If you connect this wire to the red one, the green light will turn on. (1) The two streams connect to form a river that flows through Greenlow City. (2) The policeman said the two crimes are connected. (3) conservative [one who usually supports tradition and opposes great change] William is a conservative about social issues. consider [(1) to give thought to; (2) to think about carefully] Jack is considering what to give Amy for her birthday. (1) The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. (2) constitution [the written general laws and ideas that form a nation's system of government] How do the laws provide for making changes in the constitution? contain [(1) to hold; (2) to include] The bottle contains one quart of milk. (1) The paint in that old house contains a dangerous amount of lead. (2) container [a box, bottle or can used to hold something] More juice is sold in plastic containers than in glass bottles. continent [any of the seven great land areas of the world] Did you know that long ago all the continents were joined together? continue [to go on doing or being] The governor said he would continue to fight for justice. control [(1) to direct; (2) to have power over] Who controls the daily work of the company. (1) The chairman of the transportation committee controls all the spending for transportation projects. (2) convention [a large meeting for a special purpose] Political parties hold conventions to choose presidential and vice presidential candidates. --------------------- --------------------- C-5 compromise [the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept less than first demanded] Compromise may not be possible in that dispute. その言い争いに歩み寄りはなさそうです。 computer [an electronic machine for storing and organizing information, and for communicating with others] Computers are a necessary tool for managing a business. コンピューターは事業経営に必要な道具です。 concern [(1) interest, worry; (2) to fear] The president expressed concern about the continuing violence. (1) 大統領はあいかわらず起こる暴力について懸念を表明した。 He said he is especially concerned that the fighting will spread to other countries. (2) 彼は特に心配しているのは争いが他国に広がることだと言った。 condemn [to say a person or action is wrong or bad] The senators condemned the man for refusing to answer their questions. 上院議員たちは男が自分たちの質問に答えるのを拒否したことを非難した。 condition [(1) something declared necessary to complete an agreement; (2) a person's health] The conditions for his resignation included a ten million dollar payment. (1) 彼の辞職の条件には1千万ドル支払うことが含まれていた。 The doctor said the examination showed that Gary was in excellent condition. (2) 医者は検査がゲーリーの健康状況が良好であることを示していると言った。 conference [a meeting] I seemed to spend my days going from one conference to another. 私は毎日を会議から会議へと行くことで過ごしているようだった。 confirm [(1) to approve; (2) to say that something is true] The senate confirmed the appointment of the new Agriculture Secretary. (1) 上院議員は新しい農務省長官の指名を承認した。 The candidate confirmed the report that he was ending his campaign. (2) 候補者は、彼が選挙運動をやめようとしているとの報道を認めた。 conflict [(1) a fight; (2) a battle, especially a long one] We had a conflict about politics. (1) 我々は政治問題について対立していた。 The long conflict finally ended with a ceasefire, not a peace treaty. (2) 長期にわたる紛争は最終的に平和協定ではなく、停戦によって止んだ。 congratulate [to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck] I congratulate you for getting the highest score on the history test. 私はあなたが歴史のテストで最高得点を取ったことを喜ばしく思います。 Congress [(1) the organization of people elected to make the laws of the United States (the House of Representatives and the Senate); (2) a similar organization in other countries] The President's party did not win control of either house of Congress. (1) 大統領の政党は上院、下院どちらの支配権も勝ち取ることはできなかった。 Five members of Mexico's Congress are in Washington to discuss trade issues. (2) メキシコの5人の国会議員が貿易問題を話し合うためワシントンにいます。 connect [(1) to join one thing to another; (2) to unite; (3) to link] If you connect this wire to the red one, the green light will turn on. (1) この電線を赤い線につなげると、緑の明かりが点きます。 The two streams connect to form a river that flows through Greenlow City. (2) 2つの小川はつながり、グリーンロウシティを流れる1つの川になります。 The policeman said the two crimes are connected. (3) 警察官は2つの犯罪は関連があると言った。 conservative [one who usually supports tradition and opposes great change] William is a conservative about social issues. ウイリアムは社会問題について保守的な人です。 consider [(1) to give thought to; (2) to think about carefully] Jack is considering what to give Amy for her birthday. (1) ジャックはエイミーの誕生日に何をあげるべきか考えている。 The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. (2) 私の職場の長は、より有効な販売キャンペーンのために私のアイディアを考慮すると言った。 constitution [the written general laws and ideas that form a nation's system of government] How do the laws provide for making changes in the constitution? 法律は憲法の改変をどのように規定していますか? contain [(1) to hold; (2) to include] The bottle contains one quart of milk. (1) 瓶には牛乳が1クォート入っています。 *one liquid quart = 0.9463 liter(米) The paint in that old house contains a dangerous amount of lead. (2) その古い家の塗料は危険な量の鉛を含んでいます。 container [a box, bottle or can used to hold something] More juice is sold in plastic containers than in glass bottles. ガラス瓶よりプラスティック容器で、多くのジュースが売られています。 continent [any of the seven great land areas of the world] Did you know that long ago all the continents were joined together? 昔すべての大陸は互いににつながっていたと知っていましたか? continue [to go on doing or being] The governor said he would continue to fight for justice. 州知事は正義のために闘い続けると言った。 control [(1) to direct; (2) to have power over] Who controls the daily work of the company. (1) だれが会社の日常業務を指揮していますか? The chairman of the transportation committee controls all the spending for transportation projects. (2) 運輸委員会の会長が輸送プロジェクトに関するすべての支出を取り仕切っている。 convention [a large meeting for a special purpose] Political parties hold conventions to choose presidential and vice presidential candidates. 各政党は大統領と副大統領候補を選出する大会を開催する。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com