C-4 coast [land on the edge of the ocean] The storm caused high waves and flooding along much of the Atlantic coast. coffee [a drink made from the plant of the same name] People in Seattle drink lots of coffee. cold [(1) not warm; (2) having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature] The water is too cold for swimming. (1) This has been a cold winter, with much ice and snow. (2) collect [(1) to bring or gather together in one place; (2) to demand and receive] The driver collected the children after school and brought them home. (1) Your employer collects taxes for the government every time you are paid. (2) college [a small university] Have you decided where you will attend college? colony [land controlled by another country or government] Hong Kong is no longer a British colony. color [the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others] I love the bright colors of the autumn leaves. combine [to mix or bring together] The new organization combines radio and television broadcasting. come [(1) to move toward; (2) to arrive] Jan is coming home for the holidays. (1) The two sides came together on a settlement after long and detailed negotiations. (2) command [(1) to order; (2) to have power over something] The general commanded the army to move against the enemy. (1) The President commands all the military forces. (2) comment [(1) to say something about; (2) to express an opinion about something] Mr. President, please comment about the increased number of terrorist attacks. (1) He commented about the writers who criticized his new book. (2) committee [a group of people given special work] The committee met three times to decide who should get the special award. common [(1) usual; (2) same for all] He liked to call himself a common man. (1) The allies united for a common purpose: to win the war. (2) communicate [(1) to tell; (2) to give or exchange information] The chairman communicated that he was not happy with the proposed agreement. (1) Because we communicate well, we understand each other's situation. (2) community [a group of people living together in one place or area] Our community includes people from many other countries. company [a business organized for trade, industrial or other purposes] My friend started an Internet company to repair and sell old musical instruments. compare [to examine what is different or similar] We urge you to compare the price and quality of our products with those of our competitors. compete [to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others] The Internet lets companies compete almost anywhere in the world. complete [(1) having all parts; (2) ended or finished] I have a complete set of recordings by the Beatles. (1) We completed all the work yesterday. (2) complex [(1) of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; (2) not simple] The trade agreement is the result of some very complex negotiations. (1) It may seem simple, but it is really complex. (2) --------------------- --------------------- C-4 coast [land on the edge of the ocean] The storm caused high waves and flooding along much of the Atlantic coast. 嵐は多くの大西洋沿岸の広範囲にわたって高波と洪水を引き起こした。 coffee [a drink made from the plant of the same name] People in Seattle drink lots of coffee. シアトルの人々は沢山のコーヒーを飲みます。 cold [(1) not warm; (2) having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature] The water is too cold for swimming. (1) 水は泳ぐには冷たすぎる。 This has been a cold winter, with much ice and snow. (2) 今年はたくさんの氷と雪で寒い冬でした。 collect [(1) to bring or gather together in one place; (2) to demand and receive] The driver collected the children after school and brought them home. (1) 運転手は放課後子供たちを集め、彼らを家に送って行った。 Your employer collects taxes for the government every time you are paid. (2) 雇用主はあなたが給与を受けるたびに、政府への税金を徴収します。 college [a small university] Have you decided where you will attend college? どこの大学に通うのか決めましたか? colony [land controlled by another country or government] Hong Kong is no longer a British colony. 香港はもはや英国の属領ではありません。 color [the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others] I love the bright colors of the autumn leaves. 私は秋の木の葉のあざやかな色が好きです。 combine [to mix or bring together] The new organization combines radio and television broadcasting. 新組織はラジオ放送とテレビ放送を統合します。 come [(1) to move toward; (2) to arrive] Jan is coming home for the holidays. (1) ジャンは休暇を過ごしに家に帰ってくる。 The two sides came together on a settlement after long and detailed negotiations. (2) 両者は長く詳細な話し合いの後、ある解決案に合意しました。 command [(1) to order; (2) to have power over something] The general commanded the army to move against the enemy. (1) 将軍は軍隊に敵に立ち向かっていくよう命じた。 The President commands all the military forces. (2) 大統領はすべての軍隊を指揮します。 comment [(1) to say something about; (2) to express an opinion about something] Mr. President, please comment about the increased number of terrorist attacks. (1) 大統領、テロリスト攻撃の増加についてコメントをお願いします。 He commented about the writers who criticized his new book. (2) 彼は自分が新しく出した本を批判した作家たちについて意見を述べた。 committee [a group of people given special work] The committee met three times to decide who should get the special award. 委員会は誰が特別賞を受けるべきか決めるために3度会合した。 common [(1) usual; (2) same for all] He liked to call himself a common man. (1) 彼は自分のことを凡人と呼ぶのが好きだった。 The allies united for a common purpose: to win the war. (2) 連合国は戦争に勝利するという共通の目的のため団結した。 communicate [(1) to tell; (2) to give or exchange information] The chairman communicated that he was not happy with the proposed agreement. (1) 会長は合意提案に不満足であると伝えた。 Because we communicate well, we understand each other's situation. (2) 私たちはよく連絡を取り合っているので、お互いの立場を理解しています。 community [a group of people living together in one place or area] Our community includes people from many other countries. 私たちのコミュニティー(地域社会)には、多くの国々から来た人々がいます。 company [a business organized for trade, industrial or other purposes] My friend started an Internet company to repair and sell old musical instruments. 私の友人は古い楽器を修理、販売するインターネットの会社を始めた。 compare [to examine what is different or similar] We urge you to compare the price and quality of our products with those of our competitors. 我社製品の価格と品質を競合会社のものと比較されることをお勧めします。 compete [to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others] The Internet lets companies compete almost anywhere in the world. インターネットは企業が世界中のほとんどどこででも競争できるようにします。 complete [(1) having all parts; (2) ended or finished] I have a complete set of recordings by the Beatles. (1) 私はビートルズのすべてのレコードを揃えて持っています。 We completed all the work yesterday. (2) 我々は昨日すべての仕事を終えた。 complex [(1) of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; (2) not simple] The trade agreement is the result of some very complex negotiations. (1) 貿易協定は何回かの非常にもつれた話し合いの結果です。 It may seem simple, but it is really complex. (2) それは単純に見えるかもしれませんが、本当は複雑なのです。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com