C-2 catch [(1) to seize after a chase; (2) to stop and seize with the hands] He runs so fast that no one can catch him. (1) Catch the ball and throw it back to me. (2) cause [(1) to make happen; (2) the thing or person that produces a result] Too much rain caused the flood. (1) The cause of the flood was too much rain. (2) ceasefire [a halt in fighting, usually by agreement] The ceasefire stopped the fighting. celebrate [to honor a person or event with special activities] I think we should have a party to celebrate your birthday. center [(1) the middle of something; (2) the place in the middle; (3) a place that is the main point of an activity] There was a hole in the center of the target. (1) The chair sat at the center of the room. (2) The experts checked the nuclear center for radiation leaks. (3) century [one hundred years] This is the first year of the 21st century. ceremony [an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition] The new president took the oath of office at the inaugural ceremony in front of the capitol. chairman [a person leading a meeting or an organized group] The party chairman led the meeting. champion [(1) the best; (2) the winner] John is a champion swimmer. (1) The New York Yankees were the champions of professional baseball in the first year of the new century. (2) chance [a possibility of winning or losing or that something will happen] We have a good chance of getting home before dark. change [(1) to make different; (2) to become different] Will you change your decision? (1) His voice changed last year. (2) charge [(1) to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; (2) a statement in which someone is accused of something] She was charged with stealing a car. (1) The charge was false. (2) chase [to run or go after someone or something] The dog chased the cat around the house. cheat [(1) to get by a trick; (2) to steal from] He cheated on the history examination. (1) The dishonest lawyer became rich by cheating the people that he represented. (2) cheer [to shout approval or praise] The crowd cheered every time their team scored. chemicals [(1) elements found in nature or made by people; (2) substances used in the science of chemistry] Oxygen and hydrogen are the chemicals that form water. (1) Do you read the list of chemicals listed in the foods you eat? (2) chemistry [the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they act under different conditions, and how they form other substances] How many years did you study chemistry? chief [(1) the head or leader of a group; (2) leading; (3) most important] Mr. Thompson is the new chief of our tax office. (1) The chief cause of lung cancer is smoking. (2) The chief reason he got the job was his experience with tax issues. (3) child [(1) a baby; (2) a boy or girl] The child was born with the disease. (1) Every child, boy or girl, should have an equal chance to succeed. (2) children [more than one child] Sixty children were chosen to go to a camp in the mountains. --------------------- --------------------- C-2 catch [(1) to seize after a chase; (2) to stop and seize with the hands] He runs so fast that no one can catch him. (1) 彼はとても走るのが速いので、誰も彼を捕まえられない。 Catch the ball and throw it back to me. (2) ボールを取って私に投げ返してください。 cause [(1) to make happen; (2) the thing or person that produces a result] Too much rain caused the flood. (1) 大雨は洪水を招いた。 The cause of the flood was too much rain. (2) 洪水の原因は大雨だった。 ceasefire [a halt in fighting, usually by agreement] The ceasefire stopped the fighting. 停戦命令は戦闘を中止させた。 celebrate [to honor a person or event with special activities] I think we should have a party to celebrate your birthday. 私はあなたの誕生日を祝って、みんなでパーティーを開きたいと思っております。 center [(1) the middle of something; (2) the place in the middle; (3) a place that is the main point of an activity] There was a hole in the center of the target. (1) 標的の中央に穴が空いていた。 The chair sat at the center of the room. (2) 椅子は部屋の中央に置いてあった。 The experts checked the nuclear center for radiation leaks. (3) 専門家たちは原子力センターの放射線漏れを検査した。 century [one hundred years] This is the first year of the 21st century. 今年は21世紀の最初の年です。 ceremony [an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition] The new president took the oath of office at the inaugural ceremony in front of the capitol. 大統領は議事堂前の就任式で就任宣誓の誓いを立てた。 chairman [a person leading a meeting or an organized group] The party chairman led the meeting. 政党の委員長が会議を進行した。 champion [(1) the best; (2) the winner] John is a champion swimmer. (1) ジョンは水泳の優勝選手です。 The New York Yankees were the champions of professional baseball in the first year of the new century. (2) ニューヨークヤンキースは、新世紀初年のプロ野球優勝チームだった。 chance [a possibility of winning or losing or that something will happen] We have a good chance of getting home before dark. 私たちが日暮れ前に帰宅できる見込みは十分にある。 change [(1) to make different; (2) to become different] Will you change your decision? (1) 決心を変えていただけませんか? His voice changed last year. (2) 彼は昨年声変わりした。 charge [(1) to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; (2) a statement in which someone is accused of something] She was charged with stealing a car. (1) 彼女は車を盗んだ罪で告発された。 The charge was false. (2) 告発はいわれのないものだった。 chase [to run or go after someone or something] The dog chased the cat around the house. 犬は家じゅう猫を追いかけた。 cheat [(1) to get by a trick; (2) to steal from] He cheated on the history examination. (1) 彼は歴史の試験で不正を行った。 The dishonest lawyer became rich by cheating the people that he represented. (2) いんちき弁護士は、彼が代理をした人々からだまし取ることで金持ちになった。 cheer [to shout approval or praise] The crowd cheered every time their team scored. 群集は自分たちのチームが得点するたびに歓声をあげた。 chemicals [(1) elements found in nature or made by people; (2) substances used in the science of chemistry] Oxygen and hydrogen are the chemicals that form water. (1) 酸素と水素は水を形成する化学成分です。 Do you read the list of chemicals listed in the foods you eat? (2) あなたは食品に記載されている化学物質の一覧を読みますか? chemistry [the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they act under different conditions, and how they form other substances] How many years did you study chemistry? あなたは何年間化学を学びましたか? chief [(1) the head or leader of a group; (2) leading; (3) most important] Mr. Thompson is the new chief of our tax office. (1) トンプソン氏は我が税務署の新署長です。 The chief cause of lung cancer is smoking. (2) 肺癌の第一の原因は喫煙です。 The chief reason he got the job was his experience with tax issues. (3) 彼がその仕事を得た主たる理由は、彼が税金問題に経験があったからです。 child [(1) a baby; (2) a boy or girl] The child was born with the disease. (1) その子は病気を持って生まれてきた。 Every child, boy or girl, should have an equal chance to succeed. (2) 男の子にしろ女の子にしろ、すべての子供は一様に成功する可能性を持っているはずです。 children [more than one child] Sixty children were chosen to go to a camp in the mountains. 山岳キャンプに行く60人の子供たちが選ばれました。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com