C-1 cabinet [a group of ministers that helps lead a government] The President meets every week with his cabinet. call [(1) to give a name to ; (2) to ask for or request] I call myself John. (1) They called for an end to the fighting. (2) calm [(1) quiet; (2) peaceful; (3) opposite of tense] The calm crowd waited for the president to speak. (1) The city was calm after two days of rioting. (2) Can you remain calm in a tense situation? (3) camera [a device for taking pictures] Your camera takes very good pictures. camp [a place with temporary housing] The refugee camp provides temporary shelter, food and medical care. campaign [(1) a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from voters; (2) a connected series of military actions during a war] Presidential campaigns are much too long and cost too much. (1) The Allied campaigns won the war in Europe and Asia. (2) can [(1) to be able to; (2) to have the right to; (3) a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal] The two sides can meet on Tuesday. (1) I can live anywhere I wish in this country because that is my right. (2) I bought three cans of vegetables at the food store. (3) cancel [(1) to end; (2) to stop] Who cancelled the agreement? (1) Mary cancelled her plans to have a party next week. (2) cancer [a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body] Scientists continue to find better ways to treat many kinds of cancer. candidate [a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor] Each political party has nominated a candidate for president. capital [(1) the official center of a government; (2) the city where a country's government is] The capital of the government is in Washington. (1) Washington is the capital of the United States. (2) capitalism [an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies] In the United States, capitalism has produced the world's strongest economy. capture [(1) to make a person or animal a prisoner; (2) to seize or take by force; (3) to get control of] Police captured the terrorist before he could explode the bomb. (1) Rebel forces captured the city. (2) Democrats won the election and captured control of Congress. (3) car [(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) an automobile; (3) a part of a train] Electric street cars were replaced with buses many years ago. (1)    Fred's and Martha's new car will carry six people. (2) That train has 57 flat cars and 12 box cars. (3) care [(1) to like; (2) to protect; (3) to feel worry or interest] Jim told Laura that he cared for her and would like to see her again. (1) His mother told him to take care of his younger brother. (2) Would you care if I borrowed your car? (3) careful [(1) acting safely; (2) with much thought] Please be careful when you drive. (1) He was careful to choose exactly the right words. (2) carry [to take something or someone from one place to another] Would you carry this bag for me, please? case (court) [a legal action] The judge will call your case next. case (medical) [an incident of disease] There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. cat [a small animal that often lives with humans] My cat climbed that tree and is afraid to come down. --------------------- --------------------- C-1 cabinet [a group of ministers that helps lead a government] The President meets every week with his cabinet. 大統領は毎週内閣と会合します。 call [(1) to give a name to ; (2) to ask for or request] I call myself John. (1) 私は自分のことをジョンと呼ぶ。 They called for an end to the fighting. (2) 彼らは争いの終結を求めた。 calm [(1) quiet; (2) peaceful; (3) opposite of tense] The calm crowd waited for the president to speak. (1) 静かになった群集は大統領が話すのを待った。 The city was calm after two days of rioting. (2) 2日間の暴動の後、町は穏やかだった。 Can you remain calm in a tense situation? (3) 緊迫した状況の中、あなたは平静のままでいられますか? camera [a device for taking pictures] Your camera takes very good pictures. あなたのカメラはとてもよい写真が撮れる。 camp [a place with temporary housing] The refugee camp provides temporary shelter, food and medical care. 難民キャンプは仮の非難所、食料、医療を提供します。 campaign [(1) a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from voters; (2) a connected series of military actions during a war] Presidential campaigns are much too long and cost too much. (1) 大統領選挙は期間が非常に長すぎるし、費用がかかり過ぎます。 The Allied campaigns won the war in Europe and Asia. (2) 連合軍による戦闘は、ヨーロッパとアジアにおける戦争に勝利しました。 can [(1) to be able to; (2) to have the right to; (3) a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal] The two sides can meet on Tuesday. (1) 両者は火曜日に会合できます。 I can live anywhere I wish in this country because that is my right. (2) 私はこの国のどこにでも住むことができます。それが私の権利ですから。 I bought three cans of vegetables at the food store. (3) 私は野菜の缶詰を3つ、その食料品店で買いました。 cancel [(1) to end; (2) to stop] Who cancelled the agreement? (1) 誰が契約を撤回したのですか? Mary cancelled her plans to have a party next week. (2) メアリーは来週パーティーを開く予定を中止しました。 cancer [a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body] Scientists continue to find better ways to treat many kinds of cancer. 科学者たちは多くの種類の癌を治療する良い方法を見つけ続けます。 candidate [a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor] Each political party has nominated a candidate for president. 各政党は大統領候補を指名しました。 capital [(1) the official center of a government; (2) the city where a country's government is] The capital of the government is in Washington. (1) 行政の中心地はワシントンです。 Washington is the capital of the United States. (2) ワシントンはアメリカ合衆国の首都です。 capitalism [an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies] In the United States, capitalism has produced the world's strongest economy. 合衆国において、資本主義は世界最強の経済を作り出してきました。 capture [(1) to make a person or animal a prisoner; (2) to seize or take by force; (3) to get control of] Police captured the terrorist before he could explode the bomb. (1) 警察はテロリストが爆弾を爆発させる前に逮捕した。 Rebel forces captured the city. (2) 反乱軍勢力は町を占領した。 Democrats won the election and captured control of Congress. (3) 民主党が選挙に勝利し、議会の指揮権を獲得した。 car [(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) an automobile; (3) a part of a train] Electric street cars were replaced with buses many years ago. (1) 電動の市街電車は何年も前にバスにとって代わられた。    Fred's and Martha's new car will carry six people. (2) フレッドとマーシャの新車は6人の人を運べるでしょう。 That train has 57 flat cars and 12 box cars. (3) その汽車は57両の屋根なし貨車と12両の屋根つき貨車の編成です。 care [(1) to like; (2) to protect; (3) to feel worry or interest] Jim told Laura that he cared for her and would like to see her again. (1) ジムはローラに自分は彼女が好きで、彼女にまた会いたいことを告げた。 His mother told him to take care of his younger brother. (2) 彼の母は彼に弟の世話をするように命じた。 Would you care if I borrowed your car? (3) あなたの車を借りてもかまいませんか? careful [(1) acting safely; (2) with much thought] Please be careful when you drive. (1) 車を運転する時は気をつけてください。 He was careful to choose exactly the right words. (2) 彼はぴったりと的確な言葉を選ぶことに慎重でした。 carry [to take something or someone from one place to another] Would you carry this bag for me, please? このバッグを運んでいただけませんか? case (court) [a legal action] The judge will call your case next. 裁判官は次にあなたの申し立てを審議するでしょう。 case (medical) [an incident of disease] There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. 学校では水ぼうそうの症例が1件だけあった。 cat [a small animal that often lives with humans] My cat climbed that tree and is afraid to come down. 私の猫はその木に登ったが、降りるのを怖がっている。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com