B-4 brave [having no fear] Leaving home was a brave decision. bread [a food made from grain] We have bread at every meal. break [(1) to divide into parts by force; (2) to destroy] The glass broke into many pieces. (1) Years of hard work broke his health, but it did not break his spirit. (2) breathe [to take air into the body and let it out again] Breathe deeply before you begin your speech. bridge [a structure built over a waterway, valley or road so people and vehicles can cross from one side to the other] The city needs a new bridge across the river. brief [(1) short; (2) not long] Many people wish to speak, so please keep your comments brief. (1) The car slowed down briefly, then speeded up. (2) bright [(1) giving much light; (2) strong and clear in color] Bright sunlight hurts my eyes. (1) The new grass is bright green. (2) bring [to come with something] Sam will bring Tracy to the party. broadcast [(1) to send information, stories or music by radio or television; (2) a radio or television program] VOA broadcasts the news in Special English. (1) The Special English broadcast can be heard almost everywhere. (2) brother [a male with the same father or mother as another person] I have three brothers, but no sisters. brown [having the color like that of coffee] Richard has brown hair and brown eyes. budget [a spending plan] Congress decided to add money to the education budget. build [to join materials together to make something] Tim plans to build a house for his dog. building [anything built for use as a house, factory, office, school, store or place of entertainment] My office is in that building next to the hotel. bullet [a small piece of metal shot from a gun] The bullet hit the exact center of the target. burn [(1) to be on fire; (2) to destroy or damage by fire] The candles burned brightly enough for me to read the book. (1) The wildfire burned much of the forest. (2) burst [to break open suddenly] The dam burst and sent a wall of water rushing down the valley. bury [to put into the ground and cover with earth] Where do you think they buried the treasure? bus [a public vehicle to carry people] Ride the A-17 bus to 4th and Independence Avenue. business [(1) one's work; (2) buying and selling to earn money; (3) trade] My business is writing radio programs. (1) The Internet is creating many new markets for business. (2) I have done business with that company for many years. (3) busy [(1) doing something; (2) very active] Are you busy now? (1) George was very busy this morning with an emergency case. (2) but [(1) however; (2) other than; (3) yet] She knew who called but I did not know. (1) The boy ate nothing but candy. (2) Jean was tired but she could not get to sleep. (3) buy [to get by paying something, usually money] Where did Lila buy those great clothes? by [(1) near; at; (2) next to; (3) from ; (4) not later than] Please sit here by me. (1) They walked by the river. (2) They performed a play by William Shakespeare. (3) Her mother said that she had to be home by midnight. (4) ---------------------- ---------------------- B-4 brave [having no fear] Leaving home was a brave decision. 家を出ることは勇気ある決断だった。 bread [a food made from grain] We have bread at every meal. 私たちは毎食パンを食べます。 break [(1) to divide into parts by force; (2) to destroy] The glass broke into many pieces. (1) グラスは割れて粉々になった。 Years of hard work broke his health, but it did not break his spirit. (2) 長年の重労働は彼の健康を害した。しかし、彼の精神をくじくことはなかった。 breathe [to take air into the body and let it out again] Breathe deeply before you begin your speech. スピーチを始める前に深呼吸しなさい。 bridge [a structure built over a waterway, valley or road so people and vehicles can cross from one side to the other] The city needs a new bridge across the river. 町は川を渡る新しい橋を必要としている。 brief [(1) short; (2) not long] Many people wish to speak, so please keep your comments brief. (1) 大勢の方が話しをしたいので、皆さんコメントは短くしてください。 The car slowed down briefly, then speeded up. (2) 車は少しの間スピードを落とし、それからスピードを上げた。(〜ly adverb) bright [(1) giving much light; (2) strong and clear in color] Bright sunlight hurts my eyes. (1) 明るい日の光で私の目は痛くなる。 The new grass is bright green. (2) 生えたばかりの草は明るい緑色です。 bring [to come with something] Sam will bring Tracy to the party. サムはレイシーをパーティに連れて行きます。 broadcast [(1) to send information, stories or music by radio or television; (2) a radio or television program] VOA broadcasts the news in Special English. (1) VOAはSpecial Englishによるニュースを放送しています。 The Special English broadcast can be heard almost everywhere. (2) Special Englishの放送は、ほとんどどこでも聴くことができます。 brother [a male with the same father or mother as another person] I have three brothers, but no sisters. 私には3人の兄弟がいますが、姉妹はいません。 brown [having the color like that of coffee] Richard has brown hair and brown eyes. リチャードは茶色の髪と茶色の目をしている。 budget [a spending plan] Congress decided to add money to the education budget. 国会は教育予算への金額を増やすことを決めた。 build [to join materials together to make something] Tim plans to build a house for his dog. ティムは、彼の犬のために家を建てること計画している。 building [anything built for use as a house, factory, office, school, store or place of entertainment] My office is in that building next to the hotel. 私の事務所は、そのホテルの隣にあるあのビルの中です。 bullet [a small piece of metal shot from a gun] The bullet hit the exact center of the target. 弾丸は標的のまさに中央に命中しました。 burn [(1) to be on fire; (2) to destroy or damage by fire] The candles burned brightly enough for me to read the book. (1) ろうそくは私が本を読むのに十分な明るさで燃えた。 The wildfire burned much of the forest. (2) 野火は森の多くを焼いた。 burst [to break open suddenly] The dam burst and sent a wall of water rushing down the valley. ダムは決壊して谷を勢いよく流れ落ちる水の壁を放出した。 bury [to put into the ground and cover with earth] Where do you think they buried the treasure? 彼らはどこに宝を埋めたと思いますか? bus [a public vehicle to carry people] Ride the A-17 bus to 4th and Independence Avenue. A-17番のバスに乗って、4番通りとインデペンデンス通り(の交差点)まで行きなさい。 business [(1) one's work; (2) buying and selling to earn money; (3) trade] My business is writing radio programs. (1) 私の仕事はラジオの番組を書くことです。 The Internet is creating many new markets for business. (2) インターネットは、商売のための多くの新しい市場を創り出しています。 I have done business with that company for many years. (3) 私はその会社と長年商取引をしています。 busy [(1) doing something; (2) very active] Are you busy now? (1) 今お手すきですか? George was very busy this morning with an emergency case. (2) ジョージは急患で今朝とても忙しかった。 but [(1) however; (2) other than; (3) yet] She knew who called but I did not know. (1) 彼女は誰が電話をかけたのか知っていたが、私は知りませんでした。 The boy ate nothing but candy. (2) 男の子はキャンディ以外何も食べませんでした。 Jean was tired but she could not get to sleep. (3) ジーンは疲れていたにもかかわらず眠ることはできませんでした。 buy [to get by paying something, usually money] Where did Lila buy those great clothes? ライラはどこでそれらのすばらしい服を買ったのですか? by [(1) near; at; (2) next to; (3) from ; (4) not later than] Please sit here by me. (1) 私の近くのここに座ってください。 They walked by the river. (2) 彼らはその川に沿って歩きました。 They performed a play by William Shakespeare. (3) 彼らはウイリアム・シェークスピア作の劇を演じました。 Her mother said that she had to be home by midnight. (4) 彼女の母親は彼女に夜の12時までには帰宅するように言いました。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com