B-3 block [(1) to stop something from being done; (2) to prevent movement] He blocked any attempt to become friends. (1) A truck accident blocked the road for an hour. (2) blood [red fluid in the body] A blood test is usually part of a yearly medical examination. blow [to move with force, as in air] The wind blows the autumn leaves. blue [having the color like that of a clear sky] My son has blue eyes. boat [something built to travel on water that carries people or goods] I like to fish from a boat. body [(1) all of a person or animal; (2) the remains of a person or animal] Exercise can improve anyone's body. (1) Police found five bodies buried beneath the house. (2) boil [to heat a liquid until it becomes very hot] Boil one cup of water, add frozen vegetables and cook for five minutes. bomb [(1) a device that explodes with great force; (2) to attack or destroy with bombs] The bomb exploded outside the building. (1) The warplanes bombed enemy missile launchers. (2) bone [the hard material in the body] The girl broke a bone in her wrist when she fell. book [a long written work for reading] The professor has written six books about East Asia. border [a dividing line between nations] Many new factories have been built across the border in Mexico. (be) born [(1) to come to life; (2) to come into existence] When were you born? (1) The American Revolution was born in Massachusetts. (2) borrow [to take as a loan] The bank refused to let me borrow any more money. both [not just one of two, but the two together] Both of us were educated at the University of Virginia. bottle [a container, usually made of glass, to hold liquid] He drank the last bottle of water. bottom [the lowest part of something] The damaged submarine is still at the bottom of the ocean. box [something to put things into] Put the old books in that box. boy [a young male person] The boys played together after school. boycott [to refuse to take part in or deal with] The farm workers union called for a boycott of vegetables picked by foreign workers. brain [the control center of thought, emotions and body activity of all creatures] Scientists continue to discover new information about the chemistry of the brain. ---------------------- ---------------------- B-3 block [(1) to stop something from being done; (2) to prevent movement] He blocked any attempt to become friends. (1) 彼は友達になろうとするいかなる試みをも拒否した。 A truck accident blocked the road for an hour. (2) トラック事故は道を1時間遮断した。 blood [red fluid in the body] A blood test is usually part of a yearly medical examination. 血液検査は通常年1回の健康診断の一部です。 blow [to move with force, as in air] The wind blows the autumn leaves. 風が秋の木の葉を吹き飛ばします。 blue [having the color like that of a clear sky] My son has blue eyes. 私の息子は青い目をしています。 boat [something built to travel on water that carries people or goods] I like to fish from a boat. 私はボートに乗って釣りをするのが好きです。 body [(1) all of a person or animal; (2) the remains of a person or animal] Exercise can improve anyone's body. (1) 運動はだれもの体を改善します。 Police found five bodies buried beneath the house. (2) 警察は家の下に5つ死体が埋められているのを発見しました。 boil [to heat a liquid until it becomes very hot] Boil one cup of water, add frozen vegetables and cook for five minutes. カップ1杯の水を沸騰させ、冷凍野菜を加え、5分間ゆでてください。 bomb [(1) a device that explodes with great force; (2) to attack or destroy with bombs] The bomb exploded outside the building. (1) 爆弾はビルの外側で爆発しました。 The warplanes bombed enemy missile launchers. (2) 複数の戦闘機が敵のミサイル発射装置を爆撃した。 bone [the hard material in the body] The girl broke a bone in her wrist when she fell. 女の子はころんだ時に手首の骨を折った。 book [a long written work for reading] The professor has written six books about East Asia. 教授はこれまでに東アジアに関する6冊の本を書いている。 border [a dividing line between nations] Many new factories have been built across the border in Mexico. 多くの工場が国境を越えたメキシコに建設されてきました。 (be) born [(1) to come to life; (2) to come into existence] When were you born? (1) あなたはいつ生まれましたか? The American Revolution was born in Massachusetts. (2) アメリカ革命はマサチューセッツ州で生じました。 borrow [to take as a loan] The bank refused to let me borrow any more money. 銀行は私がそれ以上金を借りるのを断った。 both [not just one of two, but the two together] Both of us were educated at the University of Virginia. 私たちは2人ともヴァージニア大学で教育を受けた。 bottle [a container, usually made of glass, to hold liquid] He drank the last bottle of water. 彼は最後の瓶の水を飲んだ。 bottom [the lowest part of something] The damaged submarine is still at the bottom of the ocean. 損傷した潜水艦はまだ海底にあります。 box [something to put things into] Put the old books in that box. 古い本をその箱にいれてください。 boy [a young male person] The boys played together after school. 男の子たちは放課後一緒に遊びました。 boycott [to refuse to take part in or deal with] The farm workers union called for a boycott of vegetables picked by foreign workers. 農場の労働組合は、外国人労働者によって摘まれた野菜の不買を要求しました。 brain [the control center of thought, emotions and body activity of all creatures] Scientists continue to discover new information about the chemistry of the brain. 科学者たちは、脳の不思議な働きについて新しい情報を発見し続けます。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com