B-2 begin [(1) to do the first part of an action; (2) to start] He began to laugh when he saw me. (1) A long walk begins with one step. (2) behind [(1) at the back of; (2) in back of] Our fastest runner was far behind the leader. (1) I live behind that hill. (2) believe [(1) to think; (2) to feel sure of; (3) to accept as true; (4) to trust] I believe it may rain tonight. (1) Jim believes his friend is a good writer. (2) The lawyer believed the suspect's statement. (3) We believe in God. (4) bell [an instrument that makes a musical sound] Jim says he likes the sound of a church bell. belong [(1) to be owned by; (2) to be a member of] That book belongs to my sister. (1) My brother belongs to the Boy Scouts. (2) below [lower than] The temperature outside is below freezing. best [the most good] All of our singers are good but Lisa is best. betray [(1) to turn against; (2) to be false to] The spy betrayed his country. (1) The boy betrayed his mother's trust in him. (2) better [more good than] Zach is a better baseball player than Al. between [(1) in the space or time that separates; (2) from one to the other] I would like to meet with you between two and three o'clock. (1) Secret talks between the two nations produced an agreement. (2) big [(1) of great size; (2) not small] Texas is a big state. (1) Melissa was a big baby. (2) bill [a legislative proposal] To become law, a bill must be approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President. biology [the scientific study of life or living things in all their forms] My school requires one year of study each of biology, physics and chemistry. bird [a creature that flies] I watched the bird fly away until I could no longer see it. bite [to cut with the teeth] My dog sounds aggressive but he will not bite you. black [(1) dark; (2) having the color like that of the night sky] I first saw him on a black and stormy night. (1) The doctor arrived in a big black car. (2) blame [(1) to accuse; (2) to hold responsible] The police blamed him for the crime. (1) Don't blame me for your bad decision. (2) blanket [a cloth cover used to keep warm] The flood refugees needed food and warm blankets. bleed [to lose blood] Do you know how to stop your nose from bleeding? blind [not able to see] Being blind did not keep him from becoming a famous singer. -------------------- -------------------- B-2 begin [(1) to do the first part of an action; (2) to start] He began to laugh when he saw me. (1) 彼は私を見て笑い始めた。 A long walk begins with one step. (2) 長い道のりも1歩から始まる。 behind [(1) at the back of; (2) in back of] Our fastest runner was far behind the leader. (1) 我々の最速走者は先頭からかなり遅れていた。 I live behind that hill. (2) 私はその丘の後ろに住んでいます。 believe [(1) to think; (2) to feel sure of; (3) to accept as true; (4) to trust] I believe it may rain tonight. (1) 私は今晩雨が降るのではないかと思う。 Jim believes his friend is a good writer. (2) ジムは彼の友達は優れた書き手だと信じている。 The lawyer believed the suspect's statement. (3) 弁護士は被疑者の供述を信じた。 We believe in God. (4) 我々は神の存在を信じる。 bell [an instrument that makes a musical sound] Jim says he likes the sound of a church bell. ジムは教会の鐘の音が好きだと言う。 belong [(1) to be owned by; (2) to be a member of] That book belongs to my sister. (1) 本は私の姉(妹)のものです。 My brother belongs to the Boy Scouts. (2) 私の兄弟はボーイスカウトに所属しています。 below [lower than] The temperature outside is below freezing. 外の温度は氷点を下回っている。 best [the most good] All of our singers are good but Lisa is best. 私たちの歌い手はみな上手ですが、リサが一番です。 betray [(1) to turn against; (2) to be false to] The spy betrayed his country. (1) スパイは祖国を(敵に)売った。 The boy betrayed his mother's trust in him. (2) 男の子は母の彼への信頼を裏切った。 better [more good than] Zach is a better baseball player than Al. ザックはアルより野球がうまい。 between [(1) in the space or time that separates; (2) from one to the other] I would like to meet with you between two and three o'clock. (1) 私は2時から3時の間にあなたにお会いしたい。 Secret talks between the two nations produced an agreement. (2) 2国間の秘密協議は協定に至った。 big [(1) of great size; (2) not small] Texas is a big state. (1) テキサスは広い州です。 Melissa was a big baby. (2) メリッサは大きな赤ちゃんでした。 bill [a legislative proposal] To become law, a bill must be approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President. 法案が法律になるためには、上下両院に承認され、大統領によって署名されなければならない。 biology [the scientific study of life or living things in all their forms] My school requires one year of study each of biology, physics and chemistry. 私の学校は生物、物理、化学それぞれを1年学ぶことが必修です。 bird [a creature that flies] I watched the bird fly away until I could no longer see it. 私は鳥が飛び去って見えなくなるまで見ていた。 bite [to cut with the teeth] My dog sounds aggressive but he will not bite you. 私の犬は攻撃的なように見えるが、あなたを噛むことはありません。 black [(1) dark; (2) having the color like that of the night sky] I first saw him on a black and stormy night. (1) 私は彼を暗い嵐の夜に初めて見た。 The doctor arrived in a big black car. (2) 医者は大きな黒い車で到着した。 blame [(1) to accuse; (2) to hold responsible] The police blamed him for the crime. (1) 警察は犯罪を彼によるものだとしました。 Don't blame me for your bad decision. (2) あなたの間違った決断を私のせいにしないでください。 blanket [a cloth cover used to keep warm] The flood refugees needed food and warm blankets. 洪水の難民たちは、食料と温かい毛布が必要だった。 bleed [to lose blood] Do you know how to stop your nose from bleeding? 鼻血をどのようにして止めるか知っていますか? blind [not able to see] Being blind did not keep him from becoming a famous singer. 盲目であることは、彼が有名歌手になる妨げにはならなかった。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com