B-1 baby [a newly born creature] Mary had a baby last night. back [(1) the part behind the front; (2) the other way from forward] The writer's picture is on the back of the book. (1) She stopped walking away and looked back at me. (2) bad [(1) wrong; (2) acting against the law; (3) not good] Bill made a bad decision. (1) The prisoner was a bad man for most of his life. (2) The water was dirty and had a bad taste. (3) balance [to make two sides or forces equal] I balanced my budget by not spending more than I earned. ball [something round] The earth is shaped like a ball. balloon [a device of strong, light material that rises when filled with gas lighter than air] Many hot air balloons race in New Mexico each year. ballot [a piece of paper used for voting] I was asked to count the ballots and announce the winner. ban [(1) to not permit; (2) to stop; (3) an official restriction] Running is banned at our swimming pool. (1) The curfew bans all night time travel. (2) The protestors called for a ban on smoking in public buildings. (3) bank [an organization that keeps and lends money] The man said he robbed banks because that is where the money is. bar [to prevent or block] He was barred from competing in the games because he used illegal drugs. barrier [anything that blocks or makes an action difficult] The voting rights law removes most racial barriers to voting. base [(1) a military center; (2) to establish as a fact] My brother is at a military training base. (1) Her research was based on experiments. (2) battle [a fight between opposing armed forces] Southern forces won the battle but lost the war. be [(1) to live; (2) to happen; (3) to exist] The man is very sick and will not be here much longer. (1) The wedding will be soon. (2) Washington, D.C., has been the capital for 200 years. (3) beat [to hit again and again] The prison guards denied they beat the prisoner. beauty [that which pleases the eye, ear or spirit] All fell silent at the beauty of the mountains. because [for the reason that] He left because he was sick. become [to come to be] When did he become sick? bed [a sleeping place] The bed was so hard that I could not sleep. before [earlier] Bill ate before he went to work. --------------------- --------------------- B-1 baby [a newly born creature] Mary had a baby last night. メアリーは昨晩赤ちゃんを産んだ。 back [(1) the part behind the front; (2) the other way from forward] The writer's picture is on the back of the book. (1) 作家の写真は、本の裏側にあります。 She stopped walking away and looked back at me. (2) 彼女は歩き去るのを止め、振り向いて私を見た。 bad [(1) wrong; (2) acting against the law; (3) not good] Bill made a bad decision. (1) ビルはまずい判断をした。 The prisoner was a bad man for most of his life. (2) その囚人は人生の大半、悪人だった。 The water was dirty and had a bad taste. (3) 水は汚れていてひどい味がした。 balance [to make two sides or forces equal] I balanced my budget by not spending more than I earned. 私は稼ぎ以上に金を使わないことで、予算の収支を合わせた。 ball [something round] The earth is shaped like a ball. 地球はボールのような形をしている。 balloon [a device of strong, light material that rises when filled with gas lighter than air] Many hot air balloons race in New Mexico each year. 毎年ニューメキシコでは多くの熱気球が競争する。 ballot [a piece of paper used for voting] I was asked to count the ballots and announce the winner. 私は投票用紙を数え、勝者を発表することをたのまれた。 ban [(1) to not permit; (2) to stop; (3) an official restriction] Running is banned at our swimming pool. (1) 私たちのプールでは走ることは禁じられています。 The curfew bans all night time travel. (2) 外出禁止令はすべての夜間の出歩きを禁じます。 The protestors called for a ban on smoking in public buildings. (3) 抗議者たちは公共の建物内での喫煙禁止を求めた。 bank [an organization that keeps and lends money] The man said he robbed banks because that is where the money is. 男は銀行には金があるから銀行強盗をしたと言った。 bar [to prevent or block] He was barred from competing in the games because he used illegal drugs. 彼は不法な薬を使ったために競技に参加することを禁じられた。 barrier [anything that blocks or makes an action difficult] The voting rights law removes most racial barriers to voting. 投票権に関する法律は、投票へのほとんどの人種的障壁を取り除きます。 base [(1) a military center; (2) to establish as a fact] My brother is at a military training base. (1) 私の兄弟は陸軍訓練基地にいる。 Her research was based on experiments. (2) 彼女の研究調査は実験に基づいたものだった。 battle [a fight between opposing armed forces] Southern forces won the battle but lost the war. 南軍は戦闘に勝利したが、戦争には負けた。 be [(1) to live; (2) to happen; (3) to exist] The man is very sick and will not be here much longer. (1) 男の人は重病であまり長くはないでしょう。 The wedding will be soon. (2) 結婚式は間近でしょう。 Washington, D.C., has been the capital for 200 years. (3) ワシントンD.C.は首都になって200年です。 beat [to hit again and again] The prison guards denied they beat the prisoner. 刑務所の看守たちは自分たちが囚人を殴ったことを否定した。 beauty [that which pleases the eye, ear or spirit] All fell silent at the beauty of the mountains. 山々の美しさに全員が黙り込んだ。 because [for the reason that] He left because he was sick. 彼は気分が悪かったので帰りました。 become [to come to be] When did he become sick? いつ彼は具合が悪くなりましたか? bed [a sleeping place] The bed was so hard that I could not sleep. 私はベッドがとても堅くて、眠ることができなかった。 before [earlier] Bill ate before he went to work. ビルは仕事に行く前に食事をした。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com