A-5 astronaut [a person who travels in space] Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. astronomy [the scientific study of stars and the universe] I study astronomy because I like to look at stars. asylum [political protection given by a government to a person from another country] The refugee asked for political asylum. at [(1) in or near; (2) where; (3) when] She saw the bear at the edge of the forest. (1) Look at the bear. (2) We must go home at noon. (3) atmosphere [the gases surrounding any star or planet] The atmosphere of Venus is mostly water and carbon dioxide. attach [(1) to tie together; (2) to connect] Please attach this name card to your coat. (1) He attached himself to our group. (2) attack [(1) a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; (2) to start a fight] The war started with a rebel attack on government troops at Charleston, South Carolina. (1) Several men attacked him on the street. (2) attempt [(1) to work toward something; (2) to try; (3) to make an effort] He attempted to change his life one step at a time. (1) Do not attempt to drive through the flood waters. (2) You will never write your book if you do not attempt it. (3) attend [to be present at] The president will attend the meeting. automobile [(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) a car] Is a bus an automobile? (1) Who invented the automobile? (2) autumn [the time of the year between summer and winter] The trees of autumn are bright red and yellow. average [(1) something (a number) representing the middle; (2) common; (3) normal] The average of daily high temperatures in Washington in January is zero degrees, Celsius. (1) The average amount spent for lunch was two dollars. (2) John is an average student. (3) avoid [to stay away from] Avoid meat and milk products to prevent a heart attack. awake [not sleeping] The storm kept everyone awake for hours. award [an honor or prize for an act or service] Last night, we saw the movie that won the best picture award. away [not near] The old man came from far away, but his home is here now. -------------------- -------------------- A-5 astronaut [a person who travels in space] Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. 宇宙飛行士ニール・アームストロングは月の上を歩いた最初の人です。 astronomy [the scientific study of stars and the universe] I study astronomy because I like to look at stars. 私は星を見るのが好きなので天文学を学んでいます。 asylum [political protection given by a government to a person from another country] The refugee asked for political asylum. 難民は政治亡命を求めた。 at [(1) in or near; (2) where; (3) when] She saw the bear at the edge of the forest. (1) 彼女はその熊を森の端で見た。 Look at the bear. (2) その熊を見なさい。 We must go home at noon. (3) 私たちは正午に帰宅しなければならない。 atmosphere [the gases surrounding any star or planet] The atmosphere of Venus is mostly water and carbon dioxide. 金星の大気は主に水と二酸化炭素です。 attach [(1) to tie together; (2) to connect] Please attach this name card to your coat. (1) あなたのコートにこの名札を付けてください。 He attached himself to our group. (2) 彼は我々のグループの一員となった。 attack [(1) a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; (2) to start a fight] The war started with a rebel attack on government troops at Charleston, South Carolina. (1) 戦争はサウスカロライナ州チャールストンにおける反乱軍の連邦軍への攻撃で始まった。 Several men attacked him on the street. (2) 何人かの男たちが通りで彼を襲った。 attempt [(1) to work toward something; (2) to try; (3) to make an effort] He attempted to change his life one step at a time. (1) 彼は1歩ずつ自分の生活を変えることを試みた。 Do not attempt to drive through the flood waters. (2) 洪水の中を車で走ろうとしてはいけません。 You will never write your book if you do not attempt it. (3) やってみないことにはいつまでたっても本は書けないでしょう。 attend [to be present at] The president will attend the meeting. 大統領はミーティングに出席します。 automobile [(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) a car] Is a bus an automobile? (1) バスは乗用車の一種ですか? Who invented the automobile? (2) 誰が自動車を発明しましたか? autumn [the time of the year between summer and winter] The trees of autumn are bright red and yellow. 秋の木々は鮮やかな赤と黄色です。 average [(1) something (a number) representing the middle; (2) common; (3) normal] The average of daily high temperatures in Washington in January is zero degrees, Celsius. (1) ワシントンの1月の1日の最高気温の平均はセ氏0度です。 The average amount spent for lunch was two dollars. (2) 昼食のために使われる平均的な金額は2ドルでした。 John is an average student. (3) ジョンは平均的な学生です。 avoid [to stay away from] Avoid meat and milk products to prevent a heart attack. 心臓発作を防ぐために肉や乳製品を避けなさい。 awake [not sleeping] The storm kept everyone awake for hours. 嵐でみんなが数時間の間眠れずにいた。 award [an honor or prize for an act or service] Last night, we saw the movie that won the best picture award. 昨晩、私たちは最優秀賞を取った映画を見た。 away [not near] The old man came from far away, but his home is here now. 老人は遠くからやって来ましたが今では彼の住み処はここです。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com