A-4 any [one or more of no special kind] I do not have any plans to leave town. apologize [to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility] Do not apologize for someone else's mistake. appeal [(1) to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; (2) to call on somebody for help] I have appealed the decision to a higher court. (1) The aid organization appealed for more food and water for flood victims. (2) appear [(1) to show oneself; (2) to come into sight; (3) to seem] The actor appeared on television for the first time. (1) The ship appeared as the fog lifted. (2) The farmer appeared to be very tired. (3) appoint [(1) to name; (2) to choose] The owner appointed John to head the new business. (1) The president can appoint a judge to the new court. (2) approve [(1) to agree with; (2) to agree to support] The bank approved my loan. (1) I approve of your proposal. (2) archeology [the scientific study of past human life and activities] He studied archeology in college. area [any place or part of it] My friend lives in this area. argue [(1) to offer reasons for or against something; (2) to dispute; (3) to disagree] The President argued for more aid to schools. (1) They argued all day but could not find agreement. (2) George and Al love to argue about politics. (3) arms [(1) military equipment; (2) weapons] The rebels got most of their arms by taking them from soldiers. (1) We are very concerned about the spread of nuclear arms. (2) army [military ground forces] The army fights on the ground. around [on every side (of)] She drove around in her new car. arrest [(1) to seize a person for legal action; (2) to take as a prisoner] The judge ordered police to arrest him because he refused to come to court. (1) The police arrested the violent demonstrators. (2) arrive [to come to a place, especially at the end of a trip] The president arrived in Tokyo for an official visit. art [expressions or creations by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statues] Much of the art included paintings stolen during World War II. artillery [big guns] Artillery destroyed most of the buildings in the town. as [(1) equally; (2) when; (3) while] The wild fire spread as fast as the wind behind it. (1) As he heard the gunshot, he looked at his watch and saw it was almost five o'clock. (2) He watched the animal as it ran across the field. (3) ash [the part left after something burns] Only ashes were left when the fire passed. ask [(1) to question; (2) to say something is wanted] We ask the teacher questions every day. (1) The candidate asked the people for their votes. (2) assist [to help] The doctor asked the medical student to assist him. --------------------- --------------------- A-4 any [one or more of no special kind] I do not have any plans to leave town. 私は町を離れる予定はまったくありません。 apologize [to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility] Do not apologize for someone else's mistake. 他人の誤りを詫びてはいけません。 appeal [(1) to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; (2) to call on somebody for help] I have appealed the decision to a higher court. (1) 私は裁決を上告した。 The aid organization appealed for more food and water for flood victims. (2) 援助団体は洪水犠牲者のためのより多くの食料と水(の支援)を呼びかけた。 appear [(1) to show oneself; (2) to come into sight; (3) to seem] The actor appeared on television for the first time. (1) 俳優は初めてテレビに出演した。 The ship appeared as the fog lifted. (2) 船は霧が晴れるにつれ現れた。 The farmer appeared to be very tired. (3) 農夫はとても疲れているように見えた。 appoint [(1) to name; (2) to choose] The owner appointed John to head the new business. (1) オーナーはジョンに新しい仕事を率いるように任命した。 The president can appoint a judge to the new court. (2) 大統領は新しい裁判所に裁判官を指名することができる。 approve [(1) to agree with; (2) to agree to support] The bank approved my loan. (1) 銀行は私への貸し付けを承認した。 I approve of your proposal. (2) 私はあなたの提案に賛成します。 archeology [the scientific study of past human life and activities] He studied archeology in college. 彼は大学で考古学を学んだ。 area [any place or part of it] My friend lives in this area. 私の友人はこの地域に住んでいる。 argue [(1) to offer reasons for or against something; (2) to dispute; (3) to disagree] The President argued for more aid to schools. (1) 大統領は学校への援助を増やすべきだと主張した。 They argued all day but could not find agreement. (2) 彼らは1日中議論したが意見の一致を見なかった。 George and Al love to argue about politics. (3) ジョージとアルは政治について論争するのが好きだ。 arms [(1) military equipment; (2) weapons] The rebels got most of their arms by taking them from soldiers. (1) 反乱者たちは彼らのほとんどの武器を兵士たちから奪って手に入れた。 We are very concerned about the spread of nuclear arms. (2) 私たちは核兵器の広がりに大変懸念している。 army [military ground forces] The army fights on the ground. 陸軍は地上で戦う。 around [on every side (of)] She drove around in her new car. 彼女は自分の新しい車であちらこちらを走った。 arrest [(1) to seize a person for legal action; (2) to take as a prisoner] The judge ordered police to arrest him because he refused to come to court. (1) 裁判官は彼が出廷することを拒否したので、警察に彼を拘束するよう命じた。 The police arrested the violent demonstrators. (2) 警察は暴力的なデモ隊を逮捕した。 arrive [to come to a place, especially at the end of a trip] The president arrived in Tokyo for an official visit. 大統領は公式訪問のため東京に到着した。 art [expressions or creations by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statues] Much of the art included paintings stolen during World War II. 美術品の多くに第二次世界大戦中に盗まれた絵画が含まれていた。 artillery [big guns] Artillery destroyed most of the buildings in the town. 大砲は町の建物のほとんどを破壊した。 as [(1) equally; (2) when; (3) while] The wild fire spread as fast as the wind behind it. (1) 野火は風と同じ速さで広がった。 As he heard the gunshot, he looked at his watch and saw it was almost five o'clock. (2) 彼が銃声を聞いた時、時計を見たら5時近かった。 He watched the animal as it ran across the field. (3) 彼は動物が野を走り横切るのを見た。 ash [the part left after something burns] Only ashes were left when the fire passed. 火が通り過ぎた時、灰だけが残った。 ask [(1) to question; (2) to say something is wanted] We ask the teacher questions every day. (1) 私たちは毎日先生に質問します。 The candidate asked the people for their votes. (2) 候補者は投票するよう人々に頼んだ。 assist [to help] The doctor asked the medical student to assist him. 医師は医学生に手伝ってくれるように頼んだ。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com