A-3 along [near or on] We walked along the road. already [(1) before now; (2) even now] She was already there when we arrived. (1) It is already too late to take the train. (2) also [(1) added to; (2) too] Please bring me the fish dinner and coffee, and also some water. (1) She said she also wanted to go home. (2) although [even if it is true that] Although he was tired, he kept walking. always [(1) at all times; (2) every time] This street is always busy. (1) We always study together. (2) ambassador [a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another government)] Foreign ambassadors live in the capital city. amend [to add to or to change (a proposal or law)] The committee refused to amend its proposal. ammunition [the bullets or shells fired from guns] They could not fight without ammunition. among [in or part of (a group)] She was among the students who left the school. amount [the number, size or weight of anything] The doctor gave him only a small amount of medicine. anarchy [(1) a lack of order; (2) lawlessness] The peaceful protests blocked the streets and produced anarchy. (1) Anarchy resulted when the city could not stop the riots. (2) ancestor [a family member from the past] My ancestors came from Switzerland in 1742. ancient [(1) very old; (2) long ago] Scientists discovered the ancient knife in a cave. (1) They read the Iliad while studying ancient Greece. (2) and [(1) also; (2) in addition to; (3) with] My dog likes to run and jump. (1) Five and three equal eight. (2) Do you like rice and black beans? (3) anger [a strong emotion against someone or something] The protester's voice was full of anger. animal [a living creature that moves, such as a dog or cat] The kangaroo is a strange animal. anniversary [a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past] When is your wedding anniversary? announce [(1) to make known publicly; (2) to declare officially] Who announced the VOA news last night? (1) The president announced a tax cut. (2) another [(1) one more;(2)a different one] May I have another kiss? (1) Let's do this another way. (2) answer [(1) a statement produced by a question; (2) to make a statement after being asked a question] That was my final answer. (1) She answered the question with a smile. (2) -------------------- -------------------- A-3 along [near or on] We walked along the road. 我々は道に沿って歩いた。 already [(1) before now; (2) even now] She was already there when we arrived. (1) 彼女は私たちが到着した時、すでにそこにいた。 It is already too late to take the train. (2) 汽車に乗るにはもう遅すぎる。 also [(1) added to; (2) too] Please bring me the fish dinner and coffee, and also some water. (1) 私に魚料理とコーヒー、そして水も持ってきてください。 She said she also wanted to go home. (2) 彼女は自分も家に帰りたいと言った。 although [even if it is true that] Although he was tired, he kept walking. 彼は疲れていたが歩き続けた。 always [(1) at all times; (2) every time] This street is always busy. (1) この通りは年中賑やかです。 We always study together. (2) 私たちはいつも一緒に勉強する。 ambassador [a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another government)] Foreign ambassadors live in the capital city. 外国大使たちは首都に住みます。 amend [to add to or to change (a proposal or law)] The committee refused to amend its proposal. 委員会は提議を修正することを拒否した。 ammunition [the bullets or shells fired from guns] They could not fight without ammunition. 彼らは弾薬なしには戦うことはできなかった。 among [in or part of (a group)] She was among the students who left the school. 彼女は学校を去った学生のうちの1人だった。 amount [the number, size or weight of anything] The doctor gave him only a small amount of medicine. 医者は彼にほんの少量の薬を与えた。 anarchy [(1) a lack of order; (2) lawlessness] The peaceful protests blocked the streets and produced anarchy. (1) 平和的抗議活動は街路を封鎖し、社会的混乱を生じさせた。 Anarchy resulted when the city could not stop the riots. (2) 市が暴動を止めることができなかった時、無秩序状態に陥った。 ancestor [a family member from the past] My ancestors came from Switzerland in 1742. 私の先祖は1742年にスイスから来ました。 ancient [(1) very old; (2) long ago] Scientists discovered the ancient knife in a cave. (1) 科学者たちは大昔のナイフを洞窟の中で発見した。 They read the Iliad while studying ancient Greece. (2) 彼らは古代ギリシャを学んでいるときに「イリアス」を読んだ。 * Iliad: イリアス;ギリシャの叙事詩 and [(1) also; (2) in addition to; (3) with] My dog likes to run and jump. (1) 私の犬は走ったり跳んだりすることが好きです。 Five and three equal eight. (2) 5足す3は8です。 Do you like rice and black beans? (3) 黒豆入りのごはんは好きですか? anger [a strong emotion against someone or something] The protester's voice was full of anger. 抗議者の声は怒りでいっぱいだった。 animal [a living creature that moves, such as a dog or cat] The kangaroo is a strange animal. カンガルーは不思議な動物です。 anniversary [a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past] When is your wedding anniversary? あなたたちの結婚記念日はいつですか? announce [(1) to make known publicly; (2) to declare officially] Who announced the VOA news last night? (1) 昨晩のVOAニュースは誰が報道しましたか? The president announced a tax cut. (2) 大統領は税の削減を発表した。 another [(1) one more;(2)a different one] May I have another kiss? (1) もう一度キスしてもいいですか? Let's do this another way. (2) 別の方法でこれをやってみましょう。 answer [(1) a statement produced by a question; (2) to make a statement after being asked a question] That was my final answer. (1) あれが私の最終回答でした。 She answered the question with a smile. (2) 彼女は微笑みながらその質問に答えた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com