A-2 against [(1) opposed to; (2) not agreeing with something] They marched against the war. (1) He agreed to most of the plan, but was against starting it now. (2) age [how old a person or thing is] The legal age for voting is eighteen. agency [an organization that is part of a larger group] UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations. aggression [(1) an attack against a person or country; (2) the violation of a country's borders] The surprise attack was an act of aggression. (1) The country committed aggression when it crossed the border of the other country. (2) ago [(1) of time past; (2) before now] He was my friend long ago. (1) I saw her two years ago. (2) agree [(1) to have the same belief as someone; (2) to be willing to do something] We agree about politics. (1) Both sides agree to meet again next week. (2) agriculture [farming] John studied agriculture because he wanted to be a farmer. aid [(1) to help; (2) to support; (3) help, assistance] He offered to aid the victims of the fire. (1) Did you give money to aid the Democratic or the Republican candidate? (2) Congress voted to provide aid to the flood victims. (3) aim [(1) to point a gun at; (2) a goal or purpose] You cannot hit the target if you do not aim the gun. (1) The aim of the reformers is to improve government. (2) air [the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe] The air is clean in the mountains. air force [a military organization using airplanes] The air force wants more airplanes and missiles. airplane [a vehicle with wings that flies] I flew home on an airplane. airport [a place where airplanes take off and land] The airplane landed at the airport in Washington. album [a collection of recorded music] He recorded the song from an old record album. alcohol [a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in industrial products] The man fell because he drank too much alcohol. alive [(1) having life; (2) not dead] The flowers become alive in the spring. (1) The accident victim was seriously injured but is still alive. (2) all [(1) everything; (2) everyone; (3) the complete amount] She ate all that she wanted. (1) All were invited to speak on the proposal. (2) She spent all her money for a new car. (3) ally [a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose] Britain is a military ally of the United States. almost [a little less than completely] My dog is almost five years old. alone [separated from others] Some people enjoy eating alone. --------------------- --------------------- A-2 against [(1) opposed to; (2) not agreeing with something] They marched against the war. (1) 彼らは戦争に反対してデモをした。 He agreed to most of the plan, but was against starting it now. (2) 彼は計画のほとんどに同意したが今それを始めることには反対だった。 age [how old a person or thing is] The legal age for voting is eighteen. 投票権を与えられる法定年齢は18歳です。 agency [an organization that is part of a larger group] UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations. ユニセフは国際連合の1機関です。 aggression [(1) an attack against a person or country; (2) the violation of a country's borders] The surprise attack was an act of aggression. (1) 急襲は侵略行為だった。 The country committed aggression when it crossed the border of the other country. (2) その国は他国の国境を越えて侵犯した。 ago [(1) of time past; (2) before now] He was my friend long ago. (1) 彼は昔、私の友人だった。 I saw her two years ago. (2) 私は2年前に彼女に会った。 agree [(1) to have the same belief as someone; (2) to be willing to do something] We agree about politics. (1) 我々は政策について意見が一致している。 Both sides agree to meet again next week. (2) 両者は次週また会うことに同意します。 agriculture [farming] John studied agriculture because he wanted to be a farmer. ジョンは農夫になりたかったので農業を学んだ。 aid [(1) to help; (2) to support; (3) help, assistance] He offered to aid the victims of the fire. (1) 彼は火災の被害者を援助することを申し出た。 Did you give money to aid the Democratic or the Republican candidate? (2) あなたは民主党または共和党の候補者を支援するために寄付をしましたか? Congress voted to provide aid to the flood victims. (3) 議会は洪水の被害者へ救援を提供することを議決した。 aim [(1) to point a gun at; (2) a goal or purpose] You cannot hit the target if you do not aim the gun. (1) 銃のねらいを定めなければ標的に当てることはできません。 The aim of the reformers is to improve government. (2) 政治改革論者たちの目的は政治を改善することです。 air [the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe] The air is clean in the mountains. 山間部の空気は清んでいる。 air force [a military organization using airplanes] The air force wants more airplanes and missiles. 空軍は航空機とミサイルを増やすことを求めている。 airplane [a vehicle with wings that flies] I flew home on an airplane. 私は飛行機で帰国した。 airport [a place where airplanes take off and land] The airplane landed at the airport in Washington. 飛行機はワシントンの空港に着陸した。 album [a collection of recorded music] He recorded the song from an old record album. 彼は古いレコードアルバムから歌を録音した。 alcohol [a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in industrial products] The man fell because he drank too much alcohol. 男はアルコールの飲みすぎで倒れた。 alive [(1) having life; (2) not dead] The flowers become alive in the spring. (1) その花は春に生き生きとします。 The accident victim was seriously injured but is still alive. (2) 事故の犠牲者は重傷を負ったがまだ生きている。 all [(1) everything; (2) everyone; (3) the complete amount] She ate all that she wanted. (1) 彼女はほしいものをすべて食べた。 All were invited to speak on the proposal. (2) すべての人が提案について話すことを求められた。 She spent all her money for a new car. (3) 彼女は新車に彼女の有り金すべてを使った。 ally [a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose] Britain is a military ally of the United States. 英国は合衆国の軍事同盟国です。 almost [a little less than completely] My dog is almost five years old. 私の犬はもうすぐ5歳です。 alone [separated from others] Some people enjoy eating alone. 中には1人で食事することを楽しむ人がいる。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com