## Title : Word Book SP Words used in Science Programs ## Charset : UTF-8. fenc= [cp932 | utf-8] ## Last change: 31-Mar-2011 02:41:45. ## Link : ## antibodies /// special proteins, produced in the blood, that kill harmful bacteria; /// The body's defense system creates different antibodies for each disease it fights. /// 体の防御機構は、闘う病気のそれぞれに合わせて異なる抗体を作り出します。 atom /// a very small part of all things; the smallest part of an element that can join with parts of other elements; /// All matter is made of atoms. /// 万物は原子から成っています。 bacteria /// living things that are one cell and can be seen only through a microscope; some cause disease; /// Some bacteria cause disease. /// 細菌には病気を引き起こすものがあります。 cell /// a small mass of living material that is part of all plants and animals; /// All plants and animals are made of cells. /// すべての植物や動物は細胞でできています。 chromosome /// a line of genes; most human cells contain 46 chromosomes; /// Chromosomes carry the genes that make each of us different. /// 染色体は私たちをそれぞれ違うように創る遺伝子を持っています。 compound /// a substance containing two or more elements; /// A compound contains two or more chemical elements. /// 化合物には2つまたはそれ以上の化学成分が含まれています。 dense /// close together; thick; /// Lead is a dense material. /// 鉛は高密度の物質です。 electron /// a small part of an atom that has an electrical force; /// An electron is a small part of an atom. /// 電子は原子の小さな(構成)要素です。 element /// one of more than 100 substances known to science that cannot be separated into other substances; /// An element cannot be separated into other substances. /// 元素はほかのの物質へと分解できません。 enzyme /// a special kind of protein; it produces changes in other substances without being changed itself; /// An enzyme can change other substances without being changed itself. /// 酵素は、酵素そのものは変化することなく他の物質を変化させることができます。 fetus /// unborn young; /// A human embryo becomes a fetus after eight weeks. /// 人の胚は8週間後に胎児になります。 fission /// a splitting; in atomic fission, the nucleus of an atom is split to produce nuclear energy; /// Nuclear fission splits atoms to produce energy. /// 核分裂は原子を分裂してエネルギーを作りだします。 fusion /// a joining together; in atomic fusion, atomic particles are joined together to produce nuclear energy; /// Nuclear fusion joins atoms to produce energy. /// 核融合は原子を結合してエネルギーを作りだします。 genes /// parts of cells that control the growth and development of living things; genes from the mother and father are passed to the child; genes contain nucleic acid; /// Genes in the cell control the growth and development of living things. /// 細胞内の遺伝子は生物の成長や進化を制御します。 genetic engineering /// the science of changing the genes of a living thing; /// Genetic engineering changes the genes of a living organism. /// 遺伝子工学は有機生物の遺伝子を変更するものです。 gravity /// the force that pulls things toward the center; /// Gravity is the force that pulls things toward the center. /// 重力は中心に向かって物を引っ張る力のことです。 image /// a reproduction of the appearance of a person or thing; /// An image is a picture of someone or something. /// イメージとは人または何かの像のことです。 laser /// an instrument that makes a thin, powerful light; /// A laser makes a thin, powerful beam of light. /// レーザーは細く強力な光線を作ります。 magnet /// a piece of iron or other material that has a pulling force; this pulling force is called magnetism; /// A magnet pulls on objects of iron or steel. /// 磁石は鉄や鋼の物体を引きつけます。 molecule /// the smallest amount of a chemical substance that can exist; /// A molecule is the smallest part of a chemical substance. /// 分子は化学物質の最も小さな要素です。 nerve /// a thin piece of tissue that sends information through the body to and from the brain; /// Nerves carry information between the brain and the other parts of the body. /// 神経は脳と体のその他の部位間で情報を伝達します。 nucleus /// the center part of an atom or cell; /// The nucleus is the center part of an atom or cell. /// 核は原子や細胞の中心部分です。 nucleic acid /// a molecule that holds the genetic information necessary for life; there are two kinds of nucleic acid: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid); /// A molecule of nucleic acid holds the genetic information necessary for life. /// 核酸の分子は生命に必要な遺伝子情報を持っています。 nutrient /// a food or substance that makes plants, humans or animals grow; /// Food is a nutrient that makes humans and animals grow. /// 食べ物は人や動物を成長させる栄養分です。 organ /// a part of the body that has a special purpose, such as the heart or brain; /// The heart and the brain are organs. /// 心臓や脳は体の器官です。 organism /// a living thing, often so small it can be seen only through a microscope; /// An organism is a living plant or animal of any size. /// 有機体とは、さまざまな大きさの生きた動植物のことです。 particle /// a very small piece of matter; /// A particle is a very small piece of matter. /// 粒子はとても小さなひとつの物質です。 proteins /// substances responsible for the growth of tissue and for fixing damaged tissue; /// Proteins fix damaged tissue and help tissue grow. /// たんぱく質は損傷した組織を治し、成長を助けます。 robot /// a machine that moves and performs tasks; /// A robot is a machine that moves and does work. /// ロボットは動いて仕事をする機械です。 tissue /// living material; a group of cells that are similar in appearance and do the same thing; /// Tissue is a group of living cells. /// 組織は生きている細胞の集まりのことです。 virus /// a kind of organism that causes disease; /// A virus is a tiny organism that invades cells and causes disease. /// ウイルスは細胞に入り込み、病気を引き起こす、とても小さい生物です。 x-rays /// a kind of radiation that can pass through most solid materials, often used in medicine; /// X-ray radiation is used to make images of bones and tissue for medical purposes. /// X線(レントゲン)放射は医療目的に骨や組織の像を作るために使われます。